(no subject)

Apr 20, 2013 17:21

~Chapter 6~
            Networking is always a key feature of events like this. Towards the end of the night, Yunho already introduced him to countless of colleagues and acquaintances. Jaejoong quietly slipped away when Yunho and a couple of suppliers started talking about a business expansion opportunity.
          He still wasn’t quite use to being around so many people. Especially fake people like majority of these people are.
          Jaejoong went to outside to the garden to enjoy the beautiful night sky. It was a calming change compared to the stuffy room inside.
          He was enjoying a couple minutes of silence when he heard footsteps approaching him. Jaejoong turned to look at the newcomer, and was surprised to see who it is.
          “Mrs. Kim.” Jaejoong politely greeted the elegant lady stopped in front of him.
          The mixed emotions displayed across her face confused Jaejoong, but in the end she settled with a soft smile with sadness still evident in her eyes. “Jaejoong.” Mrs. Kim voiced out his name in a soft whisper. “Your name is Jaejoong right?” She was hesitant in asking.
          “Yes ma’am, it’s a pleasure seeing you again.” Jaejoong said courteously.
          Jajeoong noticed the way her eyes suddenly became glassy as tears threatened to fall. “Are you okay?”
          Mrs. Kim brought up hand to whip away a fallen tear. “… I…”

“Mrs. Kim!” A loud shout interrupted her sentence.
          Both of them turned to the source of the voice to find a handsome young man walking towards them with a brilliant smile on his face.
          “Yoochun. It’s a surprise to see you here.” Mrs. Kim quickly held her emotions in check and opened up her arms to hug the young man.
          “Seeing you here proves that I made the right choice in attending tonight.” The man named Yoochun smiled sweetly at Mrs. Kim before turning towards Jaejoong. “Who might this be?”
          “…This is…” Mrs. Kim faltered in her words, somehow unable to finish her words.
          Jaejoong noticed this and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Jaejoong.”
          “I’m Yoochun, the finest young man Mrs. Kim knows.” Yoochun joked as he put his arm around Mrs. Kim’s shoulders. “Isn’t that right Mrs. Kim?”
          Mrs. Kim nodded approvingly. “You sure are. I better go back in before your uncle Kim gets worried. Tell your mom she should come over more often.”
          “Of course, I believe she was planning on inviting you over tomorrow night. You should be expecting a call from her soon.” Yoochun replied.
          “Good.” Mrs. Kim nodded again and turned to face Jaejoong and grab his hands. “You’ve grown up nicely. I hope to see you around more often.” With that she left, not giving Jaejoong a chance to figure out the meaning behind her words. Did she know him when he was younger?
          “Looks like I’m not going to be number one for much longer.” Yoochun let out a faked disappointed sigh.
          Jaejoong smiled at Yoochun’s good nature, “It’s nice to meet you.”
          “Likewise.” Yoochun smiled back. “How come I haven’t seen you around here before?”
          “I just moved here recently.” Jaejoong replied.
          “No wonder. I would have remembered you for sure if we’ve met before. But I guess it’s not to late to get to know you now.”
          Jaejoong gave Yoochun an incredulous look. What did he mean by that?
          Yoochun laughed a little when he saw the worry on Jaejoong’s face. “Don’t worry, I just want to make a new friend. You are okay with that right?”
          Jaejoong nodded. It’ll be nice to have another friend. “Sure, I’d like that.”
          “You are cute, you know that?” Jaejoong blushed hearing this. He laughed a little and covered it with his hand shyly.
          “How old are you Jaejae?” Yoochun asked, fully attentive to the beauty in front of him. “You don’t mind me calling that do you? After all, we are friends now right?”
          Jaejoong nodded with a smile. “I’ll be 22 soon. What about you?”
          “I’m 24 now. Not much older. What do you like to do Jaejae?”
          “… Um… I like to play the piano.” Jaejoong answered softly.
          “Really?” Yoochuns eyes shone upon hearing that. “Me too! I can tell we will be great friends.”
          Jaejoong felt himself relaxed in Yoochun’s presence. He was a little shy and hesitant when Yoochun first started talking to him. In the past week, he met a lot of nice people at work and become friends with them, but outside of work, he hasn’t really socialized anyone other than Yunho. But Yoochun’s friendly nature helped him connect so easily.
          “You should come over some day. I’m working on composing this new piece, I would like some input. Maybe do a duet together.” Yoochun swung his arms around Jaejoong’s shoulders.
          “I’d like that. I’m not very good though…”
          “Somehow, I really doubt that. I bet you play as beautifully as you look.” His words caused Jaejoong to blush yet again.
          “Are you always this friendly?” Jaejoong asked.
          “Nope. I’m actually very closed off to most people. But somehow I knew I wanted you as my friend. And I’m definitely glad I took this initiative.” Yoochun smiled as he is pleased with himself, but his smile quickly slipped off his face looking at something or someone behind Jaejoong.
          “Jaejoong, what are you doing out here?” Jaejoong quickly turned around to find Yunho standing not far from him, but his eyes were focused on the man behind him.
          “Yun, I was tired so I came out for a break.” Jaejoong started explaining himself. “You were busy so I didn’t want to bother you.”
          “What are you doing with him?” Yunho was still glaring at the said man.
          “I’m making a new friend.” Jaejoong said, he didn’t understand Yunho’s hostility towards Yoochun and hesitantly added, “He is really nice.”
          Yunho shook his head, “You don’t know him Jae. I suggest you stay away from him.”
          Jaejoong frowned. Yoochun really seemed nice. Why is Yunho acting this way?
          “Jung, just because you don’t like me doesn’t mean you can prevent Jaejoong from being my friend.” Yoochun finally cut in.
          “Back off Park. You stay away from Jaejoong.” Yunho warned.
          Jaejoong has honestly never seen Yunho so angry like this, and it frustrated him not knowing the reason behind that frustration.
          “Don’t think you can control everything Jung.” By now Yoochun is glaring back at Yunho.
          “Let’s go home Jae.” Yunho ignored Yoochun’s comment and grabbed Jaejoong’s hand to lead him out.
          However, Yoochun was quick to grab Jaejoong’s other hand, effectively preventing them from moving far. He quickly got out his phone and put it in Jaejoong’s hand, “give me your number so we can hang out soon.”
          Jaejoong looked at the phone in his hand and took another look at Yunho. He didn’t the anger in Yunho’s eyes and doesn’t want to make him even madder, but he also did not want to loose this opportunity to gain a good friend. He cautiously slipped his hand out from Yunho’s grasp and hurriedly inputted his number into Yoochun’s phone.
          “Thanks Jae, I’ll call you soon.” Yoochun smiled at Jaejoong looked smugly over at Yunho who was already gritting his teeth at this time.
          “Let’s go.” He said firmly and placed his arm around Jaejoong’s waist, leading him to their car and drove them home.


yunjae, wanted

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