Jan 03, 2005 22:41
Oh my god, I totally forgot about this thing......
so what to say, new year, new term, new crush.... allthough the latter is dwindling down whereas the first two are just getting started. Hmmm.
Christmas was good, I was home for 3 weeks. Put in some needed volunteer time at a daycare with my mom, got 30 hours in for that. Also made a little extra money from a few odd jobs for the neighbors.... most of which was spent on Christmas presents and the rest of which goes toward a little thing called a bill. Oh well right, what else am I going to spend it on??? This year may have been my best Christmas ever. My dad was cool, he was into it, full of the holiday spirit, none of his usual bah humbuggery. He actually seemed excited and happy for the holiday which never happens. So just based on that, its the best holiday that I can remember. New Years was enjoyable also. My dad stayed up til 1 to play a board game with my brother, chickie and I. Thats pretty much unheard of.
Now I'm back at the apartment...... its messy : / My room kinda turned into miniature Florida hurricane zone...... probably not funny. But I kinda unpacked but never put anything away. So I have to search for my bed again tonight. I think I see a bit of a flowered sheet ..... nope, it was just a shirt on my bed. I'll probably dig my bed out soonish, I want to maintain a schedule somewhat..... even if I don't have class until 2. Speaking of classes..... I don't know yet. Today was only the first day back and I'm not sure how this term will go. I feel kinda shitty cause I am behind most of my peers. *sigh* Oh well, I'll get there. I need to quit procrastinating. 2 of the classes I have are almost 3 hours each. First time I've had classes like that, its crazy. And my classes are really spread out which I don't think I like either. Oh well, I'll have to live with it.
So...... I kinda have a crush on Ryan, this guy in one of my classes. He is cute and seems interesting enough. But I havn't seen him for about a month and I have goten only one email from him during the break, I don't know, I just don't think it will go anywhere. Then there is Kevin.... another guy I kinda like. Problem with him is he is online, so that equals bad news and off limits. Plus he lives in Ohio, which isn't near here. I don't know if I like him in any way past friendship, I have been telling myself he is off limits so much that I havn't gotten a chance to see how I truly feel. Which is probably for the best.... DENY EVERYTHING!!
Yes so, thats it, thats all I have to say. I am going to go downstairs and get a glass of water. Then I am going to write a few emails to people I havn't talked to in forever. Its sad how you lose touch sometimes.