Dec 12, 2012 18:11
I am sure some of you have noticed that I have not been around much...uh, most of this semester.
Honestly, at first, it was just falling into bad habits. Forgetting to check into classes, not really feeling motivated, that kind of thing. I don't have any excuses, it was just a lull. And then I got some motivation and started trying to fix my bad habits (always hard)...and then things sort of went to hell.
Long story short: my cousin's girlfriend went into the hospital with pre-eclampsia last week, and wound up delivering a one pound, nine ounce baby boy a few days later. He's doing great, but he's still got a loooooooooooong road ahead of him and we're all worried sick and trying to do everything we can to help them out. And now my aunt may have to have emergency major surgery tomorrow if the biopsy comes back with surprise cancer.
So we're all sort of crazy around here.
I want to apologize to everyone for basically not being present, especially the people I told I would do things. I don't see my availability improving in the next few weeks. I may be around spottily, but I can't handle anything major. I hope that will improve by the new year, and I can get back to normal availability then.