Ello....Today was lots of fun at
school i hung out with briana man i love that woman lol HAPPY EARLY
BIRTHDAY BRIANA AND BRIANA i love ya guys..i can't wait till next
friday Bri is having her party and it is gonna be a 50's party so0o you
have to dressold fashion man this is gonna be the best i actually get
to find a way to wear my high tops finally lol...I love school well
actually not the actual school and learning party just the Nutrition,
Lunch, then after school....At nutrition i hung out with
Bri..Rina..Dillon..Arsalan..Christian..Julie..Alex..Jess and some other
people and yeah then it was Lunch and that was even funner haha Bri and
dillon were fighting over a damn penny how sad man poor people these
days lol jk...The best thing about this month and next month is Bri's
party and HALLOWEEn hehe i just still can't wait lol...Tomarrow Mac and
Jazzy are coming over and spending the night which will be Lots of
crazy fun....I want Monday to come because i still have pictures in my
Camera and i need to use them on my friends so0o i guess i will have to
remember that...Damn Em i haven't seen you in so0o long i miss ya so0o
very much i can't wait to see ya hopefully it shall be soon...Hmm what
else oh yeah today after school i went with wensday to Kiaser to go see
her dad and we ended up going from the 1st floor to the 4th floor more
then 7 times up and don't the elevators haha and we also went inside of
the psyco peoples elevator is was scary like the walls had padding on
them and scarthes everywhere (it gave me the Worst chills).....Omg i
got so0o mad today in Homeroom we had an assembally and it was this
thing about a fundraiser and they were calling on people asking
questions and giving out teddy bears and cat in the hat dolls and he
picks on me so0o i stand up and everything and he goes " How many
states are there?" and i said "50" then a stupid girl behind me yells
out 50 and he says Ohh she told you the answer and i said WHAT but how
could she tell me if i said it first then he was like lets move onto a
different player and i was like NOO you ripped me off that is so0o
retarded dude that is mest up Soo much you can die lol yeah it was
funny....Well tomarrow is gonna be a long day and i am gonna go so0o
that i will be ready for it oh and i will be waiting for your call Bri
love ya.....Oh ! and from now on i am gonna be putting any pictures
inside my updates kk later...
how pretty i love her EYES that look kick ass haha i just Love that color Purple it is an awsome color...