let them all go, let 'em all go

Oct 13, 2007 02:02

Today's been nice.
I went to the elementary school to see about observing classes.
It was bizarre to walk down the sidewalk and realize that I hadn't walked down that exact sidewalk in almost ten years.
I'm glad that soon I'll finally take part in a classroom. Sometimes classwork overwhelms me, and I feel like maybe I should have majored in history instead of elementary education. But walking into an elementary school and being around all those kids who still enjoy the simple things and still have that complete unawareness of the reality of the world helps me remember why I'm doing this.
I hung out with Brandi and Dustin for a while. We drank too much coffee, smoked too many cloves, and talked about way too many conspiracy theories.
It's cold enough at night to wear a hoodie, which makes me very happy but lonely at the same time. This weather makes me want to wrap up in a blanket with Pete and watch absurd television shows and roll around on my bed all night, but I know I won't be able to do that. But I know two and a half months is not that long at all.
This time of year reminds me of counting down the days until I would first get to see him since he left. I hadn't seen him in nine months, and I was a nervous, excited wreck. I remember when I first saw him, and he looked a little different but smelled the exact same way as he did before he left (it was a good smell, of course). It wasn't awkward, but it just took a while to get use to physically being together. After nine months of not being able to kiss him, it seemed like it was the first time I ever had.
I guess this time of year just makes me miss him more. And I'm just being a lonely sap now. I'm not really that sad, just nostalgic. But sometimes I wonder if there's really that much of a difference between the two.

I took pictures of my pets today.
I will post them. Afterall, it is Caturday.
My kittens are now teenage kitties!

Porkchop, Scully, and Molder have a brother named Monster who looked very sick last night. I couldn't find him today to see how he was doing. Keep him in your thoughts :(

Porkchop with his fluffy tail, awww!

Scully looking serious

Molder inspecting the camera (he probably thinks it's a UFO)

Scully is a bit skeptical (GET IT?? GET IT?? Okay, I'm done haha)

Molder's Myspace picture

Molder is not amused.

But he knows that I love him!

he likes my boobs, apparently!


demanding food!

Ugly stretching, awww

Cornelius! (Corn is his street name)

Yoda, the big black ball of fur who needs a haircut

Hadji and the Turbans is having another reunion show on November 18th.
There's no way I can miss that. You Alabamians better be there!
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