Life needs to back the fuck off for a day or two

Aug 19, 2006 18:38

This summer has been probably one of the top two summers I've ever had.

And then...

...this week came.

Shitty instance #1: The trouble first began when I was shopping with my mom and I got jostled by another Wal-Mart (I know it's evil and it sucks, but my mom likes it) shopper and my sandled foot went against the wheel and a good portion of the toenail on my big toe.

Shitty instance#2: So I'm in detroit and staying at my friend's grandparent's house, and their dog decides to attack my face. I know have liquid stitches, my face hurts, and I'll have some permenent scars. So that blows.

Shitty instance #3: I didn't even get to go see Anathallo and the Format, which was the entire reason I went to detroit anyway.

So there you have it. I'm sure out there somewhere, somebody, had a shittier week than me, and I know that bitching about won't help, but it still sucked.

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