Oct 07, 2004 23:44
I’m listening to the new Green Day record.It’s really good. It’s kind of a rock opera which is very cool. I like the fact that the band has decided to experiment a bit on this record compared to there last album.
We’re moving in a couple days. It’s Thursday now and the actually moving will occur on Sunday. I’m really looking forward to it. Everything’s going to be all nicely painted and I’ll have two rooms rather than one which is very cool.
I feel insane right now. Like...I feel like I’m crazy. I have no idea why. All these weird thoughts are floating around in my head and it makes me feel like I’m a nutso. But then hey, I’ve always thought I was crazy so this isn’t that weird.
I shredded so much paper a couple days ago. I cleaned off my floor and cleaned out of drawers of all my old songs and shit that I didn’t want anymore. Keelin stole a couple sheets of the paper and I had to chase her around the house in order to get them back from her. She also stole a wallet sized picture of Daniel Johns which wasn’t very pleasing, but I didn’t really want it anymore anyway.
I haven’t talked to Holly in a couple days. I just sent her an e-mail that summed up what I think has happened to our little clique over the past year or so. I basically wrote how we’ve all changed and become more quiet and stuff. I’m interested in seeing what she has to say about it. I really have to call Holly tomorrow. I miss her a lot and I’m used to hanging out with her every day. Hanging out less than once a week just isn’t even close to being as good. I miss Amanda too. Gah.
I have no idea what to write right now. My mind is completely blank. It kind of sucks. I’m used to always having things to say. Yet even as I have nothing to say, I still keep typing and coming up with some form of jibberish to blab out. I guess that’s just the writer in me. Having nothing to say doesn’t mean I have an empty head.
If only life was easier. You know how they say you always think life is really hard in highschool until you’ve experienced life after highschool? Well if it can get worse, than I’m seriously not at all looking forward to being anything above the age of 18. After that there’s just pain, children, unrequited love, and old age. A gay ‘ol time? Not so much. I dunno...I’m just so scard of being older, ya know? What’s coming? What is there after highschool? Will I even get a chance to have the music career that I’ve always wanted and rightfully deserve or will I be stuck working in some office all my life where eventually I’ll die of some weird brain tumor or some other form of cancer?
I wish I could live in the moment rather than in the past and in the presumed future. I want to think about what I’m going to wear tomorrow, whether or not I’m going to listening to Nirvana before I go to sleep...not stuff that happened or could happen or might happen if I wish for it enough.