Home Sweet Home

Aug 01, 2006 19:09

Wow I've been gone for a while. Kinda hard to wheel my self in this room. Got outta the hospital on Sat. Been in there since the 18th. Thats what happens when you tangle with a log truck and win. Head on collision. The police say we was goin about 50 mph towards eachother. They say nobody lives through that, I should be dead. I'm in a wheelchair and won't be able to walk for about 3 months, but I'm alive so I won. It's not so true that your life flashes before your eyes, but they do say it's right before you die...how do they know that then? Seems fishy to me. Everything goes in slow motion though. Mah says it's because everything is happening so fast that your brain can't take it all in so somehow it slows things down...not nescessarily slows things down, just registers slower. Seems okay to me.
They give you a Morphine button in there. Yayuh!! Oh how I do love you. "Instant Relief" I called it. People came in to visit me and I was entirely...gone. Out of this world. In a land of liquid happiness. The button doesn't go with you home. It gets switched out for the opiate derivative, Norco. Mmm...Chalky yellow happiness. Very nice..
V-boy been takin real good care of me. He came and stayed with me at the hospital and brought me food...Ick Nasty I can't stand rubber hospital food. Brought me home from there and made me dinner. He's awesome. Goes back to Cali for a minute this week. Ugh...sucky. But made sure I had everything I needed before he left for home today.
Matty came and visited me yesterday. Oh god I missed him. Hasn't been around lately. Hooked up with some girl. Says I would like her, I said I bet I wouldn't. He's my best friend, I'll probably find something wrong with her. She won't deserve him. He deserves someone...celestial. Fairytale beauty. Something amazing for something amazing.
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