Aug 28, 2005 13:37
*posted on myspace as well*
It’s funny what exactly we remember in our life. It’s the oddest moments that stick with us way past any other experiences in life.
I remember when I was much younger. I would say around 7 or 8 years old. My dad was going to a school at night to get a license to do work on air conditioners and units of that capacity. We had a van and not vans like they make today, with child safety seats. This van’s back area was all empty, so it was like the Scooby Doo Van. Also I remember part of the engine/motor was inside the vehicle, next to the driver. So I would go with him to the class. While he was inside I would stay inside the van and write in a notebook or daydream as kids always do. I also remember the notebook had all the NFL team helmets on the front cover. I thought it was the greatest notebook ever. I don’t remember how long the class was but apparently not too long. Most of the time I would fall asleep in the van and wake up when he was finished. It was the greatest thing in the world to go with him on this trip. Then he graduated the glass and I was proud of him. I remember him showing me the certificate they gave him, which was just a certificate, but it was magical to me. An 8 year old male child being proud of his father is a feeling that cannot be taken away. My family didn’t have a whole lot and I thought that was the greatest accomplishment.
That’s just one funny moment that sticks out in my head. There are tons of others I also remember but for some odd reason I wanted to write this one down. I wanted to write down a time when things were simple and easy. When I thought anything could be accomplished. When I thought my father was the greatest man in the world