Dec 17, 2005 19:05
Scott here. Chillin at Amanda's house with Jeff, Ben, Emma, and...KELSEY FRICKIN PUTTRICH!!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Hot, not hoot. I mean, woah, she's one hot chica-roni. That's like macaroni without the noodles. Oh, I love Bill. I'm flaming. It's a cast members jacket from Rent. One of a kind medieval cage. Applesauce. Quadrilateral I love more apples than anything ever in life because chicken has a little less cheese on it then my other left hand. why do you think that but unless if you divide by 7 then you probably wont get the fourteenth koala bear. I LOVE KELSEY! (Me being apples or Scott).