
Nov 15, 2005 11:58

What time is it?: 11:59am
Why are you filling this out?: study break

YoU yOu YoU
Full name: you should know it
Do you like it?: yes
Nicknames: "Jeff" Jeffers
If you could change your name, what would it be?: i wouldn't
Age: 19
Where do you live?: Scott Hall, Miami University; and Westerville, Ohio
Do you like it there?: eh, it has its moments
Astrological sign: gemini

Parents names: mark and karen
Do you have any siblings?: yes, younger sister
Are your parents divorced/remarried/single?: no
Pets: my sister has a frog
Do you like your family?: at times

Number: 6
Color: blue/black
Car: red '01 honda accord v6
Season: fall
Holiday: christmas
Month: june
Day of the week: saturday
Grade so far: 4th
Sport: hockey
Class: my psych class last year
Pop: dr pepper / coke zero
Candy: butterfingers
Food: lasagna
Fruit: pears
Veggie: carrots
Dessert: cheesecake
TV show: family guy / south park / simpsons
Movie: american beauty / memento / edward scissorhands / identity
Actor: johnny depp
Actress: no idea
Flower: roses?
Article of clothing: band shirts and jeans
State (that you've been to): new jersey
Breakfast food: pancakes
Way to have fun: just being sponteneous

tHiS Or ThAt
Me/You: you
Radio/CD: CD
Slow dance/Freak dance: slow
Jeans/Khakis: either
Sparkles/Bronze: eh
Sexy/Hot: both
Car/Truck: car
Strong/Weak: strong
Upset/Pissed: upset
Tall/Short: short
Lunch/Dinner: dinner
Abercrombie/Hollister: hollister
Gap/Old Navy: old navy
Love/Lust: love
Inside/Outside: inside
Silver/Gold: silver
Piercings/Tattoos: piercings
Football/Basketball: both
Thunder/Lightning: lightning
This/That: this

lOvE n rElaTIoNsHiPs
Do you have a bf/gf?: technically no
If so, who?: claire
If not, do you have a crush?: yes
If so, who?: claire
How long have you liked your bf/gf/crush?: since last july-ish
What about them do you like so much?: everything. the way she looks, the things she says, the random things we do together, the way i can be myself around her
Weakest quality?: hers? she's too hard on herself sometimes, but i am too...
How long have you known them?: senior year i knew who she was, but then last summer we actually met and talked
What physical feature attracted you to them first?: eyessssssssss
Personality feature: sense of humor
If your single, why do you think you are?: i'm really not
What was your longest relationship?: 13 months and counting
Shortest: 3 days
Who was your first love (if you've had one)?: i thought it was my ex
Do you miss them (if your not still together)?: not at all
First kiss: first real one was freshman year
Most recent kiss: last weekend

If you could take back one thing you did, what would it be and why?: i don't think i could pick one thing
Last thing you said: "in the jungle" singing to guns n' roses
Last song you heard: guns n' roses "welcome to the jungle"
Last person you talked to: my roommate

What are you doing right now?: taking a study break to fill out a survey
What cd is in your cd player?: don't know, haven't used it in a while
Are you cold?: no
How are you sitting?: upright in my chair, leaning forward, ankles/feet crossed
Is there music on?: yes, still gn'r
If so, what song is it?: welcome to the jungle
What time is it?: 12:14
Where are your parents?: my mom's probably at home, my dad's at owrk

How old will you be when you graduate high school?: i was 17
Are you going to get married?: i hope so
Are you going to have children?: i hope so
If yes, how many?: 2ish
What will you name them?: i like julian and victoria
Do you want to go to college?: i'm there
What kind of car will you want to drive: right now i have my accord, but if i had the money i'd get a 1961 impala
What kind of job will you have: i still have no idea
Whats your expectations for when your 25?: hopefully be graduated, have a job and possibly a fiancee or something

HaVe YoU eVeR
Drank: yes'm
Smoked: no
Skinny dipped: possibly
Prank called the police: no
Been followed: yes
Been high: only from caffiene pills...
Done drugs: no
If so, what?: excederin?
Stole: maybe
Met someone off the net: kinda
Been in a fist fight: not recently
Punched your sibling/parent: no
Wished you'd die: yeah, a while ago
Broken a bone: no
Thrown things at your parents: nope
Runaway: i threatened to but never did
Filled out a survey this long: not in a while

Do you right in cursive or print?: kind of a mix...i write "f" in cursive and if there's an "s" at the end of a word i'll do the lazy cursive thing instead of the print "s," i attach the "e" to the next letter...yeah, enough about that
Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrious: righty
Do you believe in god?: yes, not in the real traditional sense though
What do you think of rainbows?: cool because i love going outside after a storm and they're usually there
Do you have any piercings/tattoos?: not yet
If so, where?: n/a
If not, do you want any, where?: not sure, i wanted my ear(s?) for a while but that kind of passed...who knows...i'd say my lip if my parents wouldn't kill me for it
What do you think of eminem?: some of the only rap i listen to
Is tupac shakur really dead?: probably
If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: new jersey
Do you drive?: yes
Do you have braces or glasses?: glasses, i used to have braces too
Like milk and cookies?: yes
Ever worn black nail polish?: yes
If you could have a 6th sense, what would it be: esp
If you have a magical power, what would it be?: flight
Why would you want it?: it'd be sweet, plan and simple
If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?: i have no idea...
Do you do things even when your parents say no?: depends
What is your favorite song to "rock out" to?: there's a lot
Ever taken anything from a hotel?: shampoo, soap, keycards
Did you talk to your crush/bf/gf today?: not yet

What time is it?: 12:24
Why did you just do this?: the same reason i said it at the beginning
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