(no subject)

Feb 24, 2006 13:15

lol. did you think that would make me gasp? maybe respond back with some hateful message saying how much i hated you, and so on and so forth? im not that immature like you. go ahead, write what you want in your journal to take the spotlight off of you. its not going to work. dont make me look like the bad guy in all this when in all reality, who lied first kristin? and you really cant get mad at me for anything i wrote in my journal because after writing what you wrote, did you honestly think that i wouldent respond back, just as harsh? im not afraid of you like some of your other little friends are. im not afraid to speak the truth about you. if you wanted to play stupid little immature games by writing nasty stuff about me in your journal, before you wanted the world to know you broke edge, maybe you should have considered not pissing me off first. and go ahead and ban me from commenting in your journal. whats that going to do, other than make me go right back into my own journal, type out my own entry, and post it public, so all your little friends that your so afraid will read what i have to write in yours can read in mine. and keep writing sad emo taking back sunday lyrics in your journal about best friends to make yourself feel like you've done nothing wrong. aka:denial. by the way, the whole entry i wrote that im assuming sparked your little insane rampage, was friends only. meaning that none of the people you feared would read it, could. everyone else on my friends list knew you broke edge, because YOU TOLD THEM. so in a nut shell, you pretty much freaked out and made yourself look like a fucking psychotic lying bitch in front of the whole world, for nothing. and worse, yes, you threw away your "best friend" for nothing. and i have a five dolar bill betting that after reading all this, you were either going straight to update your journal with either emo lyrics, some nasty choice words because you have nothing else to say, or a huge ass entry trying to make me look bad, once again, instead of you.

one last thing. maybe before you throw the cheating card at someone, you should go back and remember who cheated on their past boyfriend also. *cough cough KEVIN* and i know what your going to say "but i dont claim to love kevin" ...maybe you should go take a look at those pages you wrote to yourself in your notebooks saying how you cant stop thinking about him and where he is, and who hes with, and what hes doing. and stop telling the poor kid you love him if you really dont, because thats leading him on...and thats mean. :(

*sigh* lying and pointing the finger at someone else when you've done the exact same dosnt make you look any better. it makes you look worse. like...a hypocrite...? : /

im done though. i have things to do...like cheat on my boyfriend :)
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