Back to school?
Journals gonna be friends only from now on.
I've got too many people on my shit list to keep it public.
I got my boyfriend back, & i'm not putting up with any bullshit where that's concerned so don't try to start.
Jessika Monroe is probably the coolest girl in the whole world.
Today is Jennas birthday, & I love her.
Eminem is in the hospital, & when I found out I cried.
Go white boy.
tyler is a straw sucker.
& a poodle fucker.
& i'm not hungry.
shrooms soon right ?
To all the weed that i've smoked, yo' this blunts for you
To all the people i've offended, yeah' fuck you too
To all the friends I used to have, yo' I miss my past but the rest of you assholes can kiss my ass.
Jellybellyz&Skitllez yo'.