(no subject)

Jan 07, 2005 00:07

7 hours. less than 7 hours even, i'm exciiiiiited. i have a room now; people to sit with on the bus. i also have a beautiful care-package from jodie and cathy sitting on my floor that i am just dying to open.
oh how i love you guys.
i'm packed, uh, sort of. my clothes are in the suit-case finally..buut thats about it. just watch me forget something important tomorrow...
like my skirt.
but oh, the packing must be put on hold now since Matilda is on television. i loove this movie.
good bye for now..until monday morning at 4am.

sleeping on the floor of Cherry's beach house right next to the giant window. Throwing my arm over her side and holding her against me. Her fingers hold my hand until they become limp one by one and I know she's fallen asleep. Wearing my brand new Powell's sweatshirt for three days in a row. It had taffy, bodily fluids, food, sand and dirt on it by Sunday evening.

Linux Shoe follws me home and into my bed. We waste time, drinking too much, holding eachother. We finally give up and walk around the neighbourbood, softly revealing secrets to each other in the clean quiet of the evening. Fresh-cut grass is everywhere. We laugh. We sip cold water and continue to giggle. I try, so hard, not to cry when he leaves.
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