Aug 05, 2009 13:37
I sometimes wonder how i got to be 30 years old (31 in 17 days!) and never learned how to do basic things. In this case, buying shoes. Now that i'm spending most of my time at home, it occurs to me that i don't actually *own* a pair of casual "around the house" type shoes. I have boots. I have dress shoes. I have fancy running shoes. I even have a couple pairs of really expensive high-end high-fashion things. But nothing one would consider appropriate for staying in and plotting world domination in a casual setting.
I guess i'm looking for something like a sneaker? Comfort and durability are obvious priorities, but also i'd like them to be somewhat fashionable. I'd like not actually to die of embarrassment should i need to leave the house in them or have company drop in or walk past a mirror.
I flipped around on some big shoe websites, but so far nothing appeals. It's all just really ugly garbage and WHY IS IT ALL PLAID? Who thought that was a good idea?