(no subject)

Jun 26, 2009 15:10

This is very bizarre. I'm taking advantage of some recent free time by cleaning out years of accumulated debris. I've been going through boxes all morning, coming across old photos and things. Each one encompasses a few-years-period of my life, like a cardboard time capsule. The one i'm in now is circa 2001, when i moved to California. God. It so far mostly consists of club flyers, free passes to strip joints, bad art, and the things one hoards when one is desperately poor, like moist towelettes and plastic cutlery from fast food places. There's a shocking number of telephone numbers and email addresses of girls, mostly on the backs of the aforementioned club flyers (and strip joint cards). Ah, for the days of youthful indiscretion. The funny part is when i come across names or numbers that i recognize. I can actually pinpoint the exact date (or at least club venue) when i met some of you! I also found Keanu Reeves's number, which i pilfered from the MCI database when i worked for them in Iowa. Sadly, it seems Neo has changed his number since then. I guess i can stop holding on to my idea for the Greatest Phone Prank Ever.

It's weird to see photos of me from that era. The physical representation does not match my memories at all. These are photos of me in what i fondly recall as my "heyday". The time when I was at the height of life, full of adventure and energy and my name on the lips of some of the most beautiful women the city had to offer. Yet the photos pretty clearly show a broke, awkward, confused kid from nowhere who was living each day hand to mouth and waiting for everyone to catch on, for the illusion to break.

By all accounts, I was having a lot more fun back then. And i'll be totally honest for a moment and admit that i do, in fact, miss the women. But i just can't be that person anymore, and all in all, I'm so grateful to be done with that part of my life. I think maybe it's time to take those years off this pedestal i've had them on.

And besides, maybe blue hair never really did look that good on me, anyway.
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