Dec 12, 2004 14:33
Well friday night wasnt too exciting, went to the basketball game in niagra wheatfeild with whales bauer kyle g and nick. Afterwards we went to the rez cuz it was across the street from the game and I bought my mom a carton of cigs. Then we went to fuji and bought beer and i was waiting for them scumbag proj rats to show up cuz i was ready to fight but we didnt see them and then went to mighty taco and drank beer and funneled in the middle of the parking lot (i bought a funnel from value and we named it "the pulmonary artery" and ne1 who funnels out of it must sign it) and then the cops came and made us pick up all the beer bottles and they didnt arrest any1 or give out any open alcohol containers in public tickets, i would have been fucked if i got another one of those. Then I went over to fikes house and i was outside waiting for them and seth and zeftel show up and we decided to go to burger king and go back to fikes house and around 1130 we were being to loud and fikes mom said we had to leave so me mitch and ryan chilled in my garage for a little while.
Saturday was fun as hell. First me whelan bauer and kirsch went to the hockey game and it was a pretty goood game we played gelias team and he laid out macko and we won 5 to 4. Later me whales griff and fildes pre gamed in my basement and mitch pat fikes matt and collie stopped by and then briggs josh larry and abby came over and we sat in my basement until we could to the kegger. So me r aggy r having a cig outside and she got a call from mike p and he said theres already a ton of people there. So they all went in larrys car and me fildes and griff waited for griffs sister to come get us and bring us there. We pull up and there is a ton of poeple outside and standing in the street. We go in get name tags and i go back outside to smoke and i pull out the funnel i started funneling with mr smiles stewart little and neil. Then neil gets in fight with the dude whose house it is and gristanti get low and all those dudes show up and they wouldnt let them in and i was very happy and im sure everyone else was to. Then they started to kick all the guys out, so me briggs whelan taylor and katie were gunna go to a bar but they were IDing. So they brought me home and i tried to go to sleep but couldnt cuz the room was spinning like crazy and i was piss ass drunk. So I went to the wash tub and threw up and passed out. Then i wake up this mourning with a real bad hangover and my bitching at me about last night and it just wasnt a good mourning.
make it sound so good that
I won't be right and I walk alone tonight
outside my house and outside my mind
no matter what I say I'm never right