Oct 11, 2006 23:52
I wish I could go back to summer, where I didn't get surrounded by a whole
bunch of fake loonies all day long. I'm done going to church probably, after
next week. I can't reach out to those girls and that seems to be a problem with
just about every single one of them. Like I'm something so great to befriend right?
Whatevery, from what I've seen they are all backstabbers. So nicole and I will go
find a new church, and hopefully meet real people. I don't see enough of that at all.
sydneys birthday party is friday, and I'm going to be pissed off probably because
those church people really have pissed me off. and they are all douchebags. I have a lot
to say tonight obviously. they tell me that I cling to sydney and nicole and don't interact
with any of them. but I sit there and here them go "omggg hi sydney kljgajkgkja" for like fifteen
minutes then expect me to just say on my own "oh heyy!" after them not saying hi to me and
having me listen to them go on about sydney for ten minutes before that? please explain to
me how that makes sense. i'm pissed off.
whatever, we have no school tomorrow. and that just made my week. and sydneys birthday is friday,
and saturday we're going with phil to a corn maze and I'm excited for that because phil is nicer
than anyone i've talked to lately. besides for coriesarahnicoleandsydney. obviously.
everyone was a douchebag to me today, I guess they had a reason to be since it would
be out of line for them to all be like that for no reason. whatever.
chad is my boyfriend though, and i love love love one tree hill so much.
I'm going to bed now, i'm done.