Oct 27, 2005 22:18
So I was called "sloppy one thousandths" by one of my best friends today. Sweet.
I actually had a pretty decent day... started out by seeing sleepyhead for about 1/2 an hour, went to school(nothing special there), hung out with Britt until my appointment, WENT to the doctor and spent 2 hours there to find out that nothing is wrong with me, saw Brian again for about .25 seconds, then went shopping with berp and merp and had a fabulous time as always! Ashlee was working and she "hooked melissa up phat" and I found earings that I really want- along with some other skanky little nothings so that was great.
I also tried on my TinkerHell outfit for Saturday which got me a million times more excited because its really cute and now we all have slutty little shit to wear. Too bad we'll be the only ones dressed up!! haha
Tomorrow should rock, but not as much as Saturday. I have court at 9 then Britt and I will be on our way to get lost in the airport. I'm excited for that though, too! Brian gets off work around 7 so I'm pretty sure I'm hanging out with him after that which should be nice.
Yay for us all:)
BORING<---that word is actually boring. And lame.