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Jul 06, 2005 22:57

ahh what a week.

spent the 4th with my bf and his friends. it was pretty cool i guess. i got sick and had to go lay down. i didnt get sick from drinking tho cuz i didnt drink. go me. but anywho. didnt have to work that much tuesday cuz brittany worked for me so i could sleep cuz i wasnt feeling anybetter.

so today i went and got my nails did again. lol. it was fun.

we got a new deliervery driver. crystal who is brittany's sis. we r one big happy family. woot woot.


boys r strange lol. i mean idk. i like Tim to death but sometimes he makes me wonder. he is hard to figure out. but then again so r all guys. idk. w/e. he is the first nice guy i have met in a while and he treats me well. he is always looking for ways to make me smile.

i go back to dance tomorro for like the first time in a long time. i am stoked about that. i have to go spend money again so i can get some stuff for my point shoes. oh well. i got my uniforms too for dance. i tried em on to make sure i didnt get fat or nething. which i didnt lol. thats always good.

ahh this guy is driving me crazy. he always is IMing me. its not a bad thing but i had a big crush on him when school was in and now he is talking to me like he likes me. and it mite interfer with me and tim. oh i sure hope it doesnt. ahh i really like tim.


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