..........suck my

Feb 25, 2005 06:38

I think i've been living in a dream world
true or false?I think true.


Last nights dream was odd.

Jasmine & I were sitting in this expensive clothes store where you had to knock for entry.Two of our old friends Carmen & Erin knocked & they entered the store.They walked by Jasmine & I & they were secretly commuinicating with us very quietly.The Donnas drummer was sitting by this table with some hot rock guy & my friend Carmen was telling her how her friends band are playing in this Japanese band comp at a place in called Baby.The Donnas drummer has not idea what was going on so she kept repeating "i'm the drummer of the donnas".Carmen,Erin,Jasmine & I eventually left the store & walked to a hotel that Clare,Summer & the lesbians has booked out for the night - massive party time.We were sitting around & Andy Dick rollarskates into the room dressed as Daphene that Xtina rip off that he does so very well.He was trying to hump the lounge & a stuffed teddy bear - everyone around us were laughing.Carmen wanted to go out on the balconey for a smoke so we all followe d- she was too drunk to walk so some rock guy carried her out.We were standing around talking to Andy Dick & suddenly Carmen went head first over the balconey.We all started to laugh so hard thinking it was funny..

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