Today was quite a lovely day mainly because I got out of the house & ventured into Newcastle to pick up a few things that I wanted/needed.I caught a bus into Newcastle at the lovely hour of 9am - a lot of school kids were still on their way to school & man they were fucking loud.Once I arrived in Newcastle I went & got myself come breakfeast as this place on the Harbour - it was sorta nice but the food was not worth $20 - evil over charging cunts.I found this little tiny "alternative" clothes store & I found this badass black shirt & a studded belt which is pretty typical & like most studded belts.I still like it quite alot.So after my clothes shopping I went looking for CDs & there was not one thing that took my interest so before I started to spend all my money on shit I didn't need I took off back to my place.Afterall - I've got to save up for my 8Days in Melbourne during April/May.
Clare called me up today asking if I wanted hang out at her place & than head into Newcastle on Friday night.At the time I said yes & I imagine I"ll change my mind A LOT before Friday night comes along.I've got a terrible habit of doing this - sometimes I need someone to make my mind up for me.It would bemuch easier.Right now I am wanting to go out & get trashed & sit by the harbour at the Brewery.So we'll see...
The Simpsons are on Teev right now so I'm gonna go watch a little bit of them.
Oh its also been such a horrible HOT day.
I love this picture.