the time has come, the walrus said. to talk of many things

Sep 12, 2004 12:09

Ive givven up the hope to trust any humane promise that she makes because, eventually it will be broken. It sucks. because I cant do anything about it, because i know that she is sick and it seems selfish for me not to give it up. I have givven up on trusting promises all together.
it sucks how much can change in a year.
last night katherine and alex came over and had a drink with christiane and I. ofcourse alex got drunk, because she has no tolorance what so ever. but that was the last time i was to see her before she left for boarding school. she leaves on monday. this is a person Ive known since i was born, a person Ive laughed and cried with, Ive been by her side, and shes been by mine, when i needded someone to talk to she was there. She says "we'll stay in touch. ill come home every weekend" but its not true, look at what boarding school has done to alexa chris and I, we hardly talk when she is there, but when shes home, we are tight as ever so i geuss its alright.
speaking of boarding school, I was talking to Zach a lot before he left... he left yesterday. we had some pretty good talk, and the last thing he said to me was "good luck exploring the infinate abyss" from garden state, he doesnt know this, but it made me cry, cause it was the exact right thing to say, at the exact right time to say it. why does everyone have to go away?
I dont know what I would do with out christiane by my side. shes too good for words, but her school starts so soon. like, tomorrow, so when she goes back to school and im back at school. we wont possibly have enough time to spend with eachother,. yet I still hope we really do. I think i have gotten a lot closer with her and i feel like what i couldnt tell her before i can tell her now, and I can cry in front of her, and tell her how scared i am most of the time. im a wreck
I have not talken to alexa for a while. i miss her.
i miss a lot of things, like feeling that one moment of pure happiness, thats what i would love to live for, instead, i live for everythings thats nothing, and nothing gets me no where.
the time has come the walrus said to talk of many things, of ships and shoes and celing wax.
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