(no subject)

Mar 22, 2004 11:22

so im reading all my old posts. i dont post that often so i read most of them
i remember my ten day fast...shit if i hadnt fucked up and binged that woulda ruled
but no i gained all the weight i lost
then reading about throwing up all the time
i forgot what it was like to be in that mind set
or well i tried to forget so i wouldnt do it again
i hope i dont
it didnt help me lose weight

i wish i posted when i was really thin..and actually suceeding for not eating
for a year and a half
i dont remember my mind set
i dont rmemeber my motivation
i have no clue how i did it
and i have nothing left from those days to help guide me
its like they didnt exist
the only things i have are a few pictures
and not that many at that.
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