TOP 10 THINGS THAT ANNOY ME! in no particular order.

Jan 09, 2006 16:01

1. People who say "uhm" or "uhhh" all the time! GET A VOCABULARY!
2. People who put wreaths or christmas decorations on there car..there is no need for this, we all know its the holidays and your decorations don't make it any merrier!
3. People with jacked up teeth. Dentist, Orthodontist, Plastic surgeon..just do what you have to do damnit!
4. People who inch as close to you as they can in thier car at a red light. It doesn't give you and advantage..I'm still in front of you!
5. People who listen to thier music at an unnaturally loud level in thier car all the time. It does cause loss of hearing, not that you can hear me telling you that!
6. People who drive with their windows down when it is FREEZING outside but put the heat on. That kind of defeats the purpose smarty, pneumonia its just contracted thru your feet duuuh.
7. People who don't return phone calls. Why do you have a phone if you don't use it. Don't tell me you're going to call me back..if you're not, I can handle the TRUTH!
8. People who sniffle and refuse to use a tissue! They aren't that expensive people, plus no one wants to hear your nose music.
9.When people leave voicemails but don't leave thier name, only a 20 minute message. As special as you think you are, there are only a few people who I definently know who it is. More than likely you are not one of them.
10. People who wear sunglasses at night. Unless your significant other/father/mother whatever has given you a black eye, this is not necessary. Plus, you just look dumb.

Please feel free to comment me on these, and hey leave your own too!
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