<3 Alcoholic Mountian Pee <3

Apr 07, 2004 14:47

So today after class Spencer and I were hanging out in front of the MOD (because i'm a good friend that doesn't ditch people) and this chick walks by as i'm trying to pick up one of his 'magic' quaters and goes ...

LADY: aww, are you two going out?
SPENCE: She wishes
ME: .. yes, i wish ..
LADY: oh my god thats so mean! You don't say stuff like that if she actually does want you... thats just going to break her heart more!!!
(spencer and I try not to laff)
ME: yea spencer, that really hurts... wtf
SPENCE: it would hurt if you actually did want me
ME: I do...
Spencer: oh.

(Lady leaves and Spencer goes to class, i walk back into the building and the Lady is sitting there talking to Laura)

LADY: You know, you and that Spencer kid would make an extreamly cute couple if you two didn't have 'signifiacante others'
(insert hysterical laffing here from me and laura)
LADY: no.. really, hes really cute. Is his girlfriend cuter than you? I bet you could so win him over...
(insert 10 x more laffing)
LAURA: Her and Elliot are really cute together though too
ME: Yes, I heart him very very much, and Spencer hearts his girlfriend very very much. Were just friends.
LADY: well it's always nice to have another option..
(more laffing, Lady leaves)


Oh man today was interesting. I woke up late, got to class late, went to Carls Jr with Ashley and Laura and then went to my riting class with Laura. Followed by finishing homework in the Steeter lab and hanging out with Spencer while drinking AMP mt dew which spence and i decided ment "alcoholic mountian pee". GO US!!!

I miss my baby, he wasn't feelin to hot last night so I hope he feels better today! Other than that i'm going to go work out because i'm getting chubby as we speak. LATA!!! ( i think im gunna do one random pic a day...

<3 <3 <3 <3

Jeffrey and Jennifer Raetz <3
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