In other news, Rose Motel are going to become the mascots for TB2, or something, and I get even more sleepier when I drink coffee. when caffeeine is supposed to wake up, no? ;_; why?
So I *tried* to make soft subs for TB2 again. A bit better than the 1st epi, but still with a lot things left out which I didn't understand (sometimes even the introduction of the bands by the male narrator, I'm sorry, I still can't stand him). I'm getting confused with name romanizations, and I kind of lost the overview :/
MF*I realized I had a name fail at the other file 8D;; sorry,I fail like that
critics, comments, corrections, scolding, everything is welcome.
On a nother note, Fantastic Drugstore translated their name into korean when they introduced, but I didn't sub that. Though, they introduced themselves as '환상 약국' which rather translates to 'illusion drugstore' :T idk, when saying 'fantastic' I think more of 'great', 'awesome' etc ...
Kim Do Kyun has a weird intonation. I decided.
At the very end, is it Kim Kyung Ho leaning against Kim Do Kyun? How sweeeeeet~ *fangirl mode on*
Do not want uni today OTL