May 21, 2010 09:55
Oh, so much to do tonight! Getting an outdoor play-thing delivered after work for my son. Can't wait to see his face when he sees it. He's four and a total playground junkie!! Have laundry to do, a craft to make, miscellaneous house tinkering, and a little self-pampering later in the night (must re-paint toenails!!!) Tomorrow I'm working at a local fishing rodeo, which I've been attending since I'm 4 years old. I also need to find a shoe repair place to fix a favorite pair of heels. Saturday night is Date Night with another couple. Sunday is more rodeo, except this time I'll be taking my son with me so he can check out what it's about in hopes that he'll be able to fish there next year. Later that evening I'll wrap up any loose ends and possibly play in the dirt (garden). Gawd, the weekend seems so short when I look at all that's going on!
Great time at yoga last night, but I was disappointed to hear that the class (which I attend at the gym I belong to) is ending after next week. Apparently it breaks for the summer due to low attendance. The instructor said they ususally start it up again in the fall. They better! It was one of the reasons I joined this gym! In the interim, I'll have to entertain myself with yoga at home, along with dancing. I've started ballet again and also bought myself a new bellydancing DVD. One of these days I'd like to learn salsa as well.
In lighter news, I'm going to finally do something I've been wanting to for a long, long time. I'm getitng my nose pierced. I've always wanted a little diamond in the side of my nose, but I've been dragging my feet on this one because of work not permitting it. One of my friends at work has hers done and wears a band-aid over it during the day. Uck! But I've got a plan worked out: Gonna take 2 weeks off in Sept/Oct, which is my usual vacation time, and have it pierced so it has the 2 weeks needed to heal a bit before changing the piercing. Then I'm gonna put a clear retainer in for work. I found these nifty L-shaped pieces that are easy in/easy out. Now that I've made up my mind to do it, I want to do it NOW rather than wait. Hey, that's me...all about the instand gratification...