Бамбуковая Сеть

Feb 06, 2020 20:17

Не то чтобы империализм (Сеть гораздо древнее).
Во всяком случае - н е с о в с е м империализм :) .
Ещё и как-то поверх барьеров между разными социально-экономическими системами.
Ближе всего подходит понятие «этническая собственность».

Суть: повышенная циркуляция капиталов, информации и денег (полагаю, и брачных связей тоже) ВНУТРИ Сети. И поддерживающая эту Сеть общая идентичность.

О таком классический марксизм как-то не сильно говорил.
(Хотя примеры чего-то подобного можно было найти и тогда :) ).

The "Bamboo network" is a term used to conceptualize connections between businesses operated by the Overseas Chinese community in Southeast Asia. The Overseas Chinese business networks constitute the single most dominant private business groups outside of East Asia. It links the Overseas Chinese business community of Southeast Asia, namely Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Singapore with the economies of Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan). Ethnic Chinese play a leading role in Southeast Asia's business sector as they dominate Southeast Asia's economy today and form the economic elite across all the major Southeast Asian countries. The Chinese have been an economically powerful and prosperous minority for hundreds of years and today exert a powerful economic influence throughout the region.
As Chinese communities grew and developed in Southeast Asia under the rule of the European colonial powers, Chinese merchants and traders began to develop elaborate business networks for growth and survival. These elaborate business networks provide the resources for capital accumulation, marketing information, and distribution of goods and services between the Chinese business communities across Southeast Asia.
Bamboo networks are also transnational, which means channeling the movement of capital, information, and goods and services can promote the relative flexibility and efficiency between the formal agreements and transactions made by family-run firms.
The bamboo network has served as a distinctive form of economic organization through which groups of ethnic Chinese entrepreneurs, traders, investors, financiers, and their family businesses, as well as closely knitted business networks have gradually expanded and have come to dominate the economy of Southeast Asia. The bamboo network also entails the structural substrate of companies, clans, and villages linked by ethnic ties of blood, family, and native place as part of a larger global bamboo network. Having a common ethnic heritage, shared language, family ties, and ancestral roots have driven Overseas Chinese entrepreneurs to do business with one another rather than with their indigenous Southeast Asian counterparts in their host countries.
Comprising less than ten percent of the population in Southeast Asia, Overseas Chinese are estimated to control two-thirds of the retail trade in the region and own eighty percent of all publicly listed companies by stock market capitalization.
Following the Chinese economic reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping during the 1980s, businesses owned by the Chinese diaspora began to develop ties with companies based in Mainland China. A major component of China's relationship with the Overseas Chinese is economic, as Overseas Chinese are an important of source of investment and financial capital for the Chinese economy. Overseas Chinese control up to $2 trillion in cash or liquid assets in the region and have considerable amounts of wealth to stimulate China's growing economic strength. Overseas Chinese also represent the biggest direct investors in Mainland China. Bamboo network businesses have established over 100,000 joint ventures and invested more than $50 billion in China, influenced by shared and existing ethnic, cultural and language affinities.

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