
Feb 25, 2011 19:39

The Swepan Natural History Museum is a great place.  There are two expansive floors filled with exhibit after exhibit and hundreds of places two very clever children could hide in for the night.  It's not hard to blend in with the museum crowd.  Backpacks, and passes, they can blend in with big families or with any school tour that happens to be ( Read more... )

who: taiki, what: rp

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a_peaceful_aura February 26 2011, 16:30:36 UTC
Taiki thinks the museum is a brilliant place. They'll get on very well here. Everywhere he looks there's something to look at and read -- lots of dead things and pretend scenes and old clothes.

Hefting his trademark Oversized Pack, Taiki sticks close to Lisbeth as they wander around.

"Where do you want to stay? I think in the mummy room." He doesn't bother to whisper. No one is paying attention to them.


wasplisbeth February 26 2011, 16:57:55 UTC
Lisbeth was almost about to say: you want to sleep with a mummy? But stops herself. It seems that saying that to him is in poor taste. It makes sense, staying in the mummy room, it's dark and it's pretty clear that whoever watches the place at night isn't too keen to go in there and poke around.

"Okay," she agrees with a nod of her head. "The mummy room sounds good," and she starts off that way.


a_peaceful_aura February 26 2011, 18:15:06 UTC
"A scene is being built in one part. There are fabric walls." It's not as difficult to keep up with Lisbeth as it used to be. His legs are longer and he can shuffle along beside her.

After weaving through a large group their path opens up some. Taiki looks up at the ceiling -- at the oddities suspended above them and the patterns painted on the roof.


wasplisbeth February 26 2011, 18:25:46 UTC
Indeed there is, a part of the exhibition is under construction and people are scarce. Easy to slip in unnoticed and since it is late in the afternoon everyone is gone. No need to stay any later then necessary, it's not like they are in much of a rush. History tends to stay in place, it is not as though the mummies will change if they nip out early on a Friday afternoon.

"I'm hungry," she tells him. Not that she had to, he can pick up on those types of things, plus her stomach is growling.


a_peaceful_aura February 26 2011, 18:40:15 UTC
Taiki shuffles behind a sarcophagus display and looks around. They're not visible from the entrance.

"We can eat here. I brought food." He drops to his knees and sits back. The enormous over-stuffed backpack is unzipped -- out comes a flashlight, bags of food (with apples and small doughnuts for Lisbeth as well), books, charms, a shiny black stone tablet with an engraving in Japanese, and a small blanket. Everything a boy could need when he leaves home. It's like Santa's pack in there... He just keeps pulling things out.

An onigiri filled with tuna is offered to her but she has the pick of all kinds of things: rice balls, sour candies, breads with noodles stuffed in them, carrot sticks... Whatever he could snag from home.


wasplisbeth February 26 2011, 20:56:22 UTC
"Your food is much more interesting then mine." Though she did bring food, and a flashlight as well. Think camping supplies, that's how she packed, a bottle of water as well. Though they have a drinking fountain so they won't run out of water any time soon. Besides that, Lisbeth like's Taiki's interesting food filled with interesting things. Taking the Onigiri from him she takes a bite of the rice and tuna and nods. It's very good and handy.

Sitting against a wall she looks around and eats silently feeling pretty damn safe and accomplished. Not something she often feels. But here they are, Taiki won't have to leave now, this is probably one of the best days ever.


a_peaceful_aura February 26 2011, 21:16:17 UTC
"...I didn't know what to pack. It is what we had." Honestly, once he'd left the resolute umbrella of Lisbeth's aura he'd become a little nervous. Was this really okay? One evening Taiki had even peeked into his father's wallet, searching for money. ...But in the end he didn't take anything. Just quietly rifled through it.

Taiki munches on his as well, content to sit hunched over on his knees. Since Lisbeth is happy, he is happy.

"We should explore. I bet it is better when there's no one here." ...Except two security guards.


wasplisbeth February 26 2011, 21:20:51 UTC
They are an odd two of a kind. She too had looked through her mama's purse but had been over come by guilt. Even at a young age children know -- can pick up on certain things hidden from them. While Lisbeth is not an exceptionally emotionally observant person (that's Taiki's area of expertise) she does realize that taking money from her mama would be wrong. It would make her sad, even more so then Lisbeth going missing. She too left the money untouched.

"Mmmm," she agrees with a nod wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand.


a_peaceful_aura February 26 2011, 22:46:46 UTC
"Do you have a favorite part of the museum?" He glances up at her while licking the rice-gluten residue off his fingers. Things are better now that Lisbeth (and therefor he) is no longer starving. More relaxed, Taiki will ride on the fringes of her confident and happy aura. "We should go there first."


wasplisbeth February 26 2011, 22:52:28 UTC
"I like the exhibit about space, it's my favorite." She likes the stars and the planets and how big it all is. They can't push the buttons to make the exhibits talk because that might alert the guards but they can look at all the stars and planets.


a_peaceful_aura February 27 2011, 00:56:50 UTC
Taiki was going to suggest the dinosaurs... But the space exhibit sounds interesting too. He nods and begins to stuff everything back into the bag.

"We can hide our things and take a flashlight." A yellow and black one is passed over to her before he zips the pack. Climbing to his feet, Taiki strides over to the construction area and pushes the curtain aside. A quick glance around confirms that it's just how it was a week ago -- apparently work has stopped. He drops the bag just inside the entrance and holds the fabric open for Lisbeth to do the same.


wasplisbeth February 27 2011, 01:44:39 UTC
They can go see dinosaurs next, dinosaurs are really cool too she likes the bones and the scenes painted out that show the big dinosaur eating the little one.

Packing her stuff away and taking the flashlight offered to her she stands and moves with him, putting the bag behind the curtain with Taiki's and stepping up beside him. There are a few emergency lights that light the hallways and corridors but not the exhibits.


a_peaceful_aura February 27 2011, 17:09:29 UTC
When everything is stored Taiki turns and heads towards the exhibit entrance, moving with the confidence of one that knows he won't get caught. Swepan is safe enough that security cameras haven't been installed on the interior of the museum -- just at the parking lot and large front doors. Because the building is open and deserted, he's able to feel anyone coming from a long way off.

They pass through the big cat room. Lions and tigers and panthers, oh my. Taiki is a little curious about them but overall they're viewed to be on the same level as a piece of old furniture -- lifeless and a little stinky. They're dead without all the interesting spirit bits.

Just near the door is a young ocelot. It catches Taiki's eye and he pauses for a moment, looking from it to Lisbeth. Huh.


wasplisbeth February 27 2011, 17:21:59 UTC
Lisbeth has gone a few steps before she realizes that Taiki is not next to her. Her foot steps are the only ones that she hears which causes her to pause and turn around to try and find where her friend has gone. Not really wandered off he's just a few steps behind her amongst the stuffed wild cats.

It seems a shame that all that power and beauty has been reduced to stuffed animals. Returning to his side she looks down at where he's looking.


a_peaceful_aura February 27 2011, 17:32:58 UTC
"It doesn't look very impressive." He comments when she turns around. He didn't mean to hold up their troop to the space exhibit and starts moving again. "I bet they're dangerous, though." He continues, looking around at the next room.

Plants. Not interesting in the slightest.


wasplisbeth February 27 2011, 17:38:38 UTC
"Not any more. They took out all their fight." It's not like they are in any rush to get anywhere, the museum will be there for a good long time, if Taiki wants to look at the stuffed cats then it's fine with her.

Following after him she shoves her hands in her pockets, letting him lead.


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