(no subject)

Feb 07, 2011 18:02

1. Are your characters involved in romantic relationships? Did these develop organically, or did you work them into the plot?

Lisbeth is currently in a relationship with Bobby Goren.  I'm not sure if it was something pre-planned or not, I don't think "pre-planned" is a good word for it.  They fell into bed together and continued to fall.  While Lisbeth tends to distrust and dislike police officers, Goren is something different then what she was exposed to when she was little.  They both grew up in abusive, neglectful households, have sharp minds, and a keen sense of justice.  He wants to be needed and wants her and she is surprised to find that all though it's a terrifying feeling she needs him too.

2. How much detail to you put into their romantic lives? Do you fade to black, or could you make an erotica writer blush? Somewhere in between?

It's sex, it's a natural part of life.  The tone of their sexual relationship is probably a bit more smooth and romantic then other pairings I have.  He has a big penis and that's pretty fantastic.  HA.

3. Do you prefer to write both partners in the relationship, or do you co-write with someone? What are the pros and cons of this method for you?

Oh I co-write and I co-write with an amazing, amazing, fantastic writer who plays Goren.  Seriously.  There are no cons that I've come across with this writer, posts are always interesting and further along the plot.  Every character is unique even, NPCs that get thrown into the mix.  It's wonderful when you find someone you can easily bounce along with.  I've been very lucky in that regard.  Playing off another writer allows real and sudden emotion.  When you play both characters in a romance I think that there tends to be either high disturbing drama or happily ever after (both of which are fine in moderation).

4. Do you think romance is an important part of a well-rounded character's life, or would you rather skip to the action? How do you balance romance time with a character's overall plot?

I think so.  I think it's natural to fall in love and fall out of love despite our best intention.  Even the resistance to relationships nudges at romance or love.  Basically: everyone falls at one time or another and even if they don't do anything about it that very resistance can add a very interesting dimension to a character.

5. Do your characters have any failed relationships? How did those breakups affect their development?

Lisbeth would think she failed at a relationship with Blomkvist, she fell in love with him (in the books) and saw that as a failing.  She was probably only half way right, no woman should ever fall in love with that man, she saw him for who he really was and not what she could make of him.  He works too much, he fucks everything with a pulse and is way to practical about everything.  After "breaking up" with him Lisbeth goes around the world exploring.

6. Do you tend to write your characters as any particular sexuality (hetero/homo/bi/pan/trans whatever)? What is the reason for it?

Lisbeth is bisexual, my character's sexuality varies.  I've played gay characters, straight, and bi I really have no preference.  Well maybe I do with bi characters, though whatever the character they tend to have a healthy view of sex (I would like to think so anyway.)  It's completely natural, and often times private in between all parties involved.

7. Have any characters ever developed romantic relationships, or made relationship choices that surprised you? How did that work out?

Perhaps a few times where I woke up one morning and thought: "how the fuck did that happen?" (of course at the moment those times have slipped my mind.  I know the general feeling but not the specific instance.)  To be honest I try to keep my character's romantic lives as stable as possible, I don't like emotional hurt, I am fragile, a flower, their hurt is my hurt and the whole reason I stop making eye contact with other human beings is because I don't want to get hurt.  Anyway. . .

8. How romantic minded are your characters? Are relationships important to them, are they more interested in casual flings, or do they avoid it all together?

I never make a character and immediately think: THIS CHARACTER NEEDS TO GET LAID.  Though I suppose most of them do start off with the idea FALLING IN LOVE IS A BAD IDEA.  Because it is.  Sometimes they fall and stay fallen and other times they don't stay fallen in love.  Once it happens, it happens.

9. How faithful are your characters in their relationships? Do they cheat? Are they cheated on? Would they make an episode of Cheaters look tame?

My characters don't cheat.  Lisbeth doesn't cheat, she generally bounces from one relationship to another, sometimes those relationships are a bit more loosely defined then others but still.  Once Lisbeth gives herself or her heart (an extremely rare) to another person and they cheat on her?  It would probably be a very bad move.  Even being casual with Blomkvist she ended up falling for him, and when she saw him with Erika she had an extremely violent urge to kick his ass.  I can imagine if someone truly betrayed her romantically she would ruin them.

10. Is your character (or has your character ever been) married? Did the marriage result in children if so? How is their family life?

HA HA HA HA no.  HA HA HA HA HA no.   NOOOOOOOOOOO.  Noooooo kids.  Though there has been a funny ass thought that if she and Bobby ever had children they would be extremely good or extremely, extremely evil.  Same with her and Taiki (though they aren't romantic together or anything.)  Brilliant children but probably not the most emotionally healthy.

11. What would your character consider the ideal romantic evening? The best romantic gift?

Probably getting a little drunk, having a nice meal and having lots of sex.  Let's face it, Lisbeth is not very romantic.  Anything that she can take apart or put together again, a piece of shit motorcycle.  A challenge.  Like "hack this state of the art security system."  Then you can see little hearts appear over her head.


where: charloft

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