The travel bug, restlessness, and senioritis are a bad combination

Jan 14, 2011 17:35

I'm suffering from an existential crisis (no doubt self-imposed). Unfortunately, I feel as though I have outgrown college. Actually, I've felt like that for the past year. In fact, I don't think I've felt truly academically fulfilled since Fubis. This is my fifth year, so maybe that's why, but trudging through until I'm done is no longer acceptable to me. Yes, this is my last semester, but I really don't want to be patiently waiting to graduate. It's become increasingly difficult to apply myself because I'm not even remotely challenged. This was tolerable for the first couple years I experienced it, but now has reached a point of exhaustion. I realize that I am responsible for the quality of my own life and education, that I alone can determine how much I am being stimulated. However, I'm really not sure what I can do to eradicate the overwhelming sense of educational mediocrity; and if I can't eradicate it, I'm not sure what else I could be doing with my life or my spare time to feel like I am learning. This underlying sense that I'm pissing my life away (not personally, but professionally and academically) has become unbearable, and I really want to make the most of this last semester of college. I also have a terrible case of the travel bug, but can't seem to adequately fulfill it. Maybe this is favorable, maybe it means I'll always be travelling and never feel done. However, I feel tied down by school. I want to leave the mid-sized city I'm in and trek around the world, but I need to finish college first. Additionally, I used to prefer travelling alone but have now developed an aversion to it. I suppose I've reached a transitional period of my life, ready to leave college but not sure where to go next, and staying restlessly put until I do.
Do you have any ideas of how to do this? Please give me your uncensored feedback. The harsher the better.
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