NOTE: If your character has interacted with Gideon but isn't here, it's most likely because we've only threaded a few times and he doesn't really have enough to go off of yet. I promise I'm not ignoring you!
KEY: X Dislike | • Neutral | √ Like | ♥ Love
X ⇒ You irritate him.
XX ⇒ “Irritating” has upgraded to “grating”. He’ll chastise you at any given opportunity--not to mention be terse and snappy in casual conversation.
XXX ⇒ “Grating” is such a petty word. You piss him off, plain and simple, and it’ll be tough for him to reign in his urge to deck you good. He won’t take you seriously at all past this point, and he’ll be as free as ever with the snark.
XXXX ⇒ Fuck that, restraint is for pussies. Be wary around him in person, because at this point it won’t take much to set him off.
XXXXX ⇒ He needs to teach you a lesson. He’ll look for excuses to fight, and he’ll start avoiding you over the networks because he knows you have nothing to say that’s worth his time.
XXXXXX ⇒ Gideon hates you so much that he will rarely entertain conversation with you, and if you encounter him in person? He will attack you. Without warning.
• ⇒ Watch your step; you’re just a few mistakes away from being on Gideon’s bad side. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy being mocked, because he’ll be doing a lot of that.
•• ⇒ He’s starting to dislike you, but so far he has no reason to be actually angry with you. He’ll still interact and be a bit more free with the snark, but his verbal jabs lack venom for the most part.
••• ⇒ Gideon's pretty indifferent to you at this point.
•••• ⇒ Gideon considers you intriguing and will play nice around you, but he's going to keep his personal affairs to himself. Interactions are still on a “strictly business” level; don’t expect him to go out of his way for you unless he can benefit from it.
••••• ⇒ He considers you moderately useful and will be more ready to interact. If he’s really going to help, though, he’s still going to do it to gain something or to repay a debt.
•••••• ⇒ Congratulations--he’s dropping his snaky attitude for the most part, and you might even notice a few rare favors coming your way.
√ ⇒ He likes you, but he’s keeping his guard up. Emotional distance gives him more control of the situation, after all.
√√ ⇒ You know what? You’re not half bad. He no longer maintains the “strictly business” pretense, but he’s not going to be letting you in on any dark secrets just yet.
√√√ ⇒ He’s stopped keeping track of who has done what for who and will just help out where he can. He’ll do it from afar and deny it if asked by you or anyone else, but you’ve made a friend in this hipster.
√√√√ ⇒ You might notice that Gideon is starting to go out of his way for you more willingly and openly. He’s starting to trust you, too, but he’s not going to be too open around you. Y’know, just in case he’s mistaken about you. Which doesn’t happen often, but you can never be too careful.
√√√√√ ⇒ That last tiny bit of doubt? Gone. Gideon is definitely starting to open up around you. He’ll put his plans to the side for you, and likewise, he’ll be willing to come to you if he thinks you can help him with something. He might even confess the rare insecurity to you, or provide you a shoulder to lean on, and his wall of denial towards the friendship is starting to come down.
√√√√√√ ⇒ At this point Gideon trusts you and would be willing to put himself at risk to help you out. He has no qualms about calling you his friend, and he’ll try his best to act like one to you even if it’s hard for him. He’s even okay with you getting a bit up in his personal space for previously forbidden acts like hugs. You’d be hard-pressed to find something he wouldn’t be willing to do for you. If someone hurts you, they’re instantly on his shit-list, and he’ll give them hell for it.
character relationships
The one that got away.
dabbled RATING: ♥
I've got a second chance to be with her. I won't fail again. More importantly--I won't let her down.
A survivor.
axemeaquestion RATING: ••••
Informative. Willing to help. Could find a use for her, yet.
patchworkdoctor RATING: ••••
I need to be careful around him--he can read me right down to the letter. If it weren't for that and his freakish appearance, though, I wouldn't consider him half bad.
calm_tempest RATING: •••
She has some strong healing magic. Plus--she's respectful. As she should be when dealing with a guy like me.