Sep 23, 2007 22:49
that give l.o.v.e a bad name. and im not just trying to quote bon jovi or anything. but fuck that.
any who...we finished recording. im not so thrilled about the vocals, but i know it'll settle in and i'll love it in the end.
everything just blends so damn good, this guy mike kicks ass. he's weird as all hell hahaha but its all good because he knows what he's doing and he's legit. i fucked up a few things with drums that i wanted to fix, but the way everything else blended covered it up for the most part. i need to get some clothes...i need to pay that 400 dollar fine...i need to get a neighbor is a cool ass dude...julia white makes me smile everytime i see her face...i miss alexa...carlos is the man...bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks...ive been listening to alexisonfire for two days straight...i really wanna go out and film shit with gilbert...i miss the is cake...i have a donkey drum set is at my house so now i can actually learn how to play and i can stop pretending as though i know what im doin, its going to be an exciting experience.i wanna fight. preferably a child that is of young age and has lack of height. i wunna live in a van down by the river...with chris farley. keith buckleys lyrics are as good as always but the musical aspect just sounds to...clean? listen to
the show tonight was beat...but we're whores right now and will play anything. im not gonna say any names but some bands need to learn how to right what the hell they think sounds tired of bands trying to do this, what i consider to be "industry writing" bull. youre in a band to write music that you love to hear and have a shit load of fun playing, not to write shit that you think people want to hear, because in the end their gonna hate it because theres no heart behind it. its just another carbon copy of any other break down hardcore two step godzilla waltz band around town...and it sucks. i am in no way implying that my band is the greatest thing on this side of the mason dixon, but atleast i have a good time doing what i do, and sometimes, some people dont like what we have to play, but fuck em, because if theres atleast 1 person of of a group of people that likes even one of our songs, then thats just as good to me as pleasing all of em. we're not trying to be the best band in the world nor make millions doing this. we're just trying to have a good time doing whatever the hell it is that we're good at. and if thats playing shitty music then it is what it is, i guess that just means that i love to play shitty music...and im o.k. with that. people dont need to be able to dance to your shit in order for it to be dubbed as "good". anyone heard the new "every time i die"?. its alright, but kinda weak. keith buckleys lyrics are as good as always, strictly amazing, but the musical aspect just sounds toooooo...clean? listen to Hot DAMN! up to their new album, The Big Dirty and i maybe you'll see what im talking about.
nick hit a parked car today, right when i got there and looked at the car he hit and noticed the back end of the frame was bent...basically meaning that he totalled the car. so that just sucks. he's not stressin about it to much though, because he's got the money to fix the guys car and he's got the tools and help to fix his, but its just dealing with his parents thats gonna be a hassle.
im tired thats why im typing so much. so im goin to bed
leave your drunken accident at the prom. it'll grow to mend your broken heart.
don't sign the dotted line (every house is a little bit of Hollywood).
the world is too incredible to bring such ugliness into it
the artist is sneaking down the hall to impregnate the last of its kin.
indiscernible mute in a swarm of derivatives.
and I deny any part. I deny any part. a deadbeat godfather.
bite your tongue. who taught you those words?
blaspheme! when you are under my roof don't ever say "rock and roll".
goodnight, Jesus