Fangirling ate up my day today. Countless hours on the net motivated me to change my layout again. I was supposed to do a Tegoshi layout, but sadly, I can't find a good scan. From fangirling over NewS, I found Teppei. Again. But this is the first time I actually took time to listen to a few of his songs, along with Wentz. Can I just say his voice is pure love? And! He's squishable, too. Like Chinen and my pillow. Hehe. After spending a few hours trying to find decent scans of him, I found Yamamoto Yusuke. Don't ask how. I have this weird habit of going through every site I see... And! Yu-chan's scans from his photobook were simply too cute to resist. Especially the ones with him eating. I think he deserves more love. HEEE. The usual credits are on my profile page.
washroomperks *
Roughly three more days before the Chrismtas break. I haven't studied for my Fil long test tomorrow. I don't think I'm physically ready for the PE practical test, as well as the Uni Sports day on Friday... Screw Saturday. Physics lab is MEH. XP