(no subject)

Feb 06, 2009 19:52

You know what pisses me off? Client and their moronic projects.

They tend to overcomplicate every single thing. I know, I know, clients should have what they want, but sometimes, it's just not possible. Somethings designed in PS, the functionality of some elements just can't be created. And, they should respect that, not tell us we're unprofessional. That just makes me not wanna find a solution.


In other news, my aunt came by today and told me there was a guy who was interested in marrying me.


Yeah, I sent her packing.

And told them not to ever mention this shit to me again.

What part of "I don't wanna get married ever" doesn't make sense? Or is it too hard to understand?

Ugh. People.

work, rl

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