So, last night, I'm just sitting around, doing nothing special, wondering why my pc is so slow, when suddenly, a little bubble pops up on the bottom right side of my screen, telling me that there wasn't enough disk space anymore.
I was pretty shocked, cause this laptop's still new, and even I won't be able to fill 250 gigs of space that fast. Especially since two days before, I checked the main partition, C:\ and found there was 27 gigs of free space, and I don't use that partition for my data.
So, first of all, I thought that maybe the volume was corrupted. I did a chkdisk, and nothing came up. Then, I thought maybe a virus. Cause viruses/trojans can do that sorta thing. So, I did a scan with Kaspersky, and nothing was found.I downloaded CC Cleaner and told it to erase the temporary files. No space came back. I did not stop there though. I thought that maybe Kaspersky would miss some specific virus/trojans/malware, so I did a scan with Spybot, which revealed nothing.
I got kinda pissed, and it was 5 am.
I stopped uTorrent, which was downloading a pretty hefty file. It looked like the temporary files stopped popping up.
I started it again, .tmp files started popping up again.
I was like 'wtfh!'. So, I went to uTorrent's site and checked for any known problems of the kind. I found that some people were experiencing similar problems, but usually, it's because they're using a FAT32 system, which I'm not. I did notice though that most people who had this problem were using Kaspersky.
I left the torrent alone, and this morning, when it finished downloading, I removed it from uTorrent. The problem was still happening. I close uTorrent, and cut off my net connection, then, restarted my pc.
The temporary files were gone.
I kept wondering where the heck they went and what the heck happened. So, I started extracting the files I had gotten, without uTorrent being on and without a net connection, and whadayaknow? The temporary files started popping up again.
After getting suitably angry, I decided to try something. I closed Kaspersky, and do you know what happened? The temporary files disappeared!
I finished extracting the files and then turned on Kaspersky again, and bham! No more temporary files!
I went on Kaspersky's site to see if the had a fix for this, because no way is it normal to have 27 gigs of temporary files for an anti-virus, but guess what? They said it was normal! What the flying fuck? How is it normal?
Grr! Morons!
Seriously, this is beyond fucked up.
And now, it looks like I'm gonna have to switch antivirus software, yet again.
Does anyone have any recs for good, and possibly free antivirus software? If yes, please let me know!
The cool thing is that now I can go back to making awesome animated House icons without the computer going nuts. So, you SO gotta expect those soon. Oh, and hopefully, I'll actually put all the icons I made back online.
Since I'm here, I also need an opinion on who to use for the new layout of Blink.Flash.Sparkle. I need it to be a hot woman, and hell, if you have a specific image you think would rock, don't hesitate to post it/link it in the comments!
I think I babbled long enough for now. Thanks in advance!