my mom's birthday party is next saturday, and i'm making her a mix cd as well as something to complement the video my siblings and i are making for her. it'll be awesome of you to rec me some songs--songs you like, stuff you think my mom will like. according to her, she likes schmoopy music--a bit of pop rock, oldies, a bit of this and a bit of that. to give you an idea: she adores Christian Bautista and this other dude--Michael? (Not Michael Jackson.) what she doesn't like are emo, depressing, metal music--basically stuff that the youth and i jam to today.
oh, and if you can suggest me what songs i should play at the party? that'd be great, too.
- invitations (list of people attending the party; call said people to confirm if they can make it; WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY)
- food (need cash, need to figure out what to do and how many entrees there should be; MONDAY)
- decorations (friends + siblings will help decorate)
- cake (sibs and i will bake the cake ourselves. flavor: chocolate. no icing, unless if i learn how to make the icing mom likes on time)
- VIDEO (sibs: piece of writing about mom should be completed by TUESDAY)
food stuff as well as other preparations - should decide what we can afford and can make before the party starts ASAP