So I'm going on hiatus here for a couple of months.
Yes, I know, I've been posting so infrequently in here lately that it probably seems as though the hiatus began a good while back, but the upshot is that I'm going to be heading out of town for a couple of months.
And no, it has nothing to do with my homelife.
spuffyduds and I are still rock-solid, but thanks for worrying.
No, I'm preparing to spend a couple of months interning at a new place. I'm on sabbatical from my current job, and I'll be returning to it, but I've reached the point in my life where I can (and often do) imagine myself trying something new. Unfortunately, having twenty years' experience doing what I do, I haven't got that much experience doing anything else. This internship is an attempt to get some of that elsewise experience, and I'm really excited about it. My mentor seems like a really cool guy (and his wife is also a really neat person), the workplace situation seems extremely cool (I can wear jeans! No tie required! Whoo hoo!), and the new location promises a much more interesting mix of commercial and cultural offerings than Our Little Town does.
The sucky part, of course, is being away from Spuffy and the Things. Thing One is off at school most of the time, so I don't see him every day, but this will be by far the longest separation I've had from Spuffy since we got together lo, these many moons ago.
But I'm going to get some important time in a new career area, as well as a chance to get away from my current workplace and an opportunity to recharge myself and recall what's important to me. (I'm also hoping to eat well, get a little more exercise, and get a lot more writing done.) I'm sure you guys will find something fun to do with yourselves while I'm gone, but if you could maybe give Spuffy a little extra TLC until the end of May, I think we'd both appreciate it.
Have fun! Play nice!