RIP Slow Cooker 10/04 - 10/07

Oct 30, 2007 08:13

Our Slow Cooker is dead!!

I discovered to my horror, when I was washing out the ceramic pot, that its cracked in a major fashion down one side. Basically a triangular piece of ceramic has come loose. I was gutted - I brought it from Robery Dyas City Branch when I worked at Hawkpoint Partners, shortly after I met the missus. It stayed in the coat cupboard until I left in March 05 and moved down to Cornwall.

We have had so many fantastic meals from it - roasts, stews, curries, chillies, soups, all sorts. Its been used at least once a week for the last 3 years. What killed it, we think, was when we made some cottage pie last week and had not put enough water in the pot, so when we got home the mince etc had almost dried up and I guess the heat cracked it. We can't do anything with the pot now, except maybe use it to grow a plant in :(

We will buy another one but I can't believe how long its lasted - bits were falling off the outside (like the handles and the plastic surround of the temperature control) and the knob had come off the lid, but it still worked. Now it has the structural integrity of the Millenium Dome. We still have the pressure cooker though, which is pretty good at producing hearty meals.


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