Indeceny is *everywhere* avert your eyes and you may yet be saved...

Nov 03, 2008 21:50

So after their other recent moral panic and a pikey baiting story (this one:

The Daily "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" Mail has published a story about a 30 something virgin:

So even *all* sex is bad now and not just the filth that Russell Brand gets up to?

I sent them this comment on the story as apparently they like people to comment on the moral issues of the day:

"I hope that after his recent public chastisement that Russell Brand can see the error of his ways, find God and maybe become worthy of a decent, pure woman like Charlotte.

Who knows, maybe they could meet one day in church and slowly get to know each other.

Obviously with his previous reputation, Charlotte wouldn't be able to trust Russell at first but after a decent interval (say five years) perhaps they could share a slowly kindling (but chaste) love until making a true commitment to each other and have their union blessed before all in the light and blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Maybe then and only then will this newspaper stop wasting my motherfucking time?

Remember "True Love Waits*" and then is really, really disappointed.

Actually the story did have an element of balance but it's just been put up as an Aunt Sally to knock the 'modern promiscuous society'. All I can say is, if society has descended into a immoral cesspit of vice and sexual corruption and indecency, I have seen and received far too little of it over the years.

Where's my serial depravity you uptight, racist, fascist fucks?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand rest.

(Tedious cycling anecdotes to resume tomorrow)

*True Love Waits was apparently Tom Waits' less successful younger brother.
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