JoGLE: Day Three

Mar 25, 2008 10:54

I had a good night's sleep (despite some crazy dreams) and woke up feeling reasonably fresh. A quick look out of the window showed clearish skies and no fresh snow on the hills (or at least no increase to the snowline).

I moved into what is now becoming my routine - get up, pack up the panniers, check on the bike and then have breakfast. I oiled the chain today as I had noticed a bit of noise the previous day. After a good breakfast I set off just before half nine. Then began the best part of the ride so far...

The scenery in Northern Scotland is stunning and one of the most stunning bits I have seen so far is the pass of Glencoe, I started up this after the six miles or so from my hotel (with amazing views of Kinlochleven to my left). A few miles before I had seen my first road cylcists of the trip, three riders blasting along, giving me a cheery wave as they passed.

The pass climbs at a steady but reasonable gradient - I had the wind at my back for the first bit which was an extra boost. The climb is fantastic, with glimpses into valleys and the snow covered mountains to either side. At one point the road passes between two big teeth of rock, like something from Middle Earth, and the vista in anmy direction is worth riding 100 miles for. If you go to one place in Scotland go here and walk it. I can't express how stunning it is. Will upload photos at some point of this an other places but I lack the energy to do anything othe than blog the ride reports at the minute. I should be rested after the next few days and will catch up on comments and photographs.

I stopped about 2/3rds of the way to the top to take photos and drink water (I also made and threw a snowball). I noticed some other cyclists coming up the hill - it was a couple (Ed & Marsala) also doing the end to end. They had started some time from Land's End heading for JoG by the northerly route. They were stopped at Lanark by the bad weather and instead drove up to JoG to ride the last bit back to Lanark southwards. They had passed me while driving up on the Saturday and wondered if I was riding the end to end and were told of me at JoG.

They were riding supported with a van and were traveling very light (which made me jealous). We took each other's pictures then they set off - I saw them again later by Loch Lomond as they were switching drivers (originally two of them were doing the ride proper with one driving the van, then the othe main ride had knee problems so alternated driving duties with Marsala (who had a very nice Specialized s-works bike).

I carried on over the top of the pass onto a high plateau, again with stunning views to all sides (pictures to follow when time and energy permits). It snowed from time to time, the weather showing you what it could do if it wanted to. A fast descent into Tyndrum eventually followed, where I stocked up on alcohol laced fudge at the Green Welly Stop. Tyndrum is very full of tourists and I felt a bit like a cowboy coming into town from the prairies - everyone just seemed so busy.

Trafficon the road became so heavy that I couldn't cross the road find the public toilet so I carried on south in search of peace (and bushes). Snow started falling quite heavily with the wind in my face but the road dropped at a steady rate and my speed crept up - I checked the speedo from time to time and at one point saw that I was at just over 37mph (a new record for the fully laden bike) and I was laughing like a fool.

After a climb out of Crianlarich (still in the snow) the road again drops steadily down to Loch Lomond, again the snow came on hard but the road favoured me and by the time I reached the bottom of the descent I was through into clear weather and was for most of the rest of the day.

The road is quite narrow alongside the first part of Loch Lomond but traffic was quite forgiving, this was less true as the road broadened out later. After a place called Luss, the traffic was mostly backed up all the way from Alexandria and I passed many, many vehicles (trying not to look too smug).

After this I turned right onto the A811 towards Stirling (which is a rotten road for much of the way).

Tiring by now I was glad to reach my sister's place in Cambusbarron where I had a great meal and a good night's sleep.

This was a fantastic day, definitely the best so far and one of the bit I was really looking forward to - Glencoe & Loch Lomond in the same day. Good stuff.

I'm setting off again for the Forth Bridge and the Falkirk wheel after posting this. Probably won't update again until tomorrow.

jogle, cycling, friends, ooh! caramel shortbread, cycles, family

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