(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 05:27

hm..haven't written in a while
halloween weekend wasn't really happenin'
went to spaghetti warehouse and didn't see ghosts
went to some lame party with a crazy black lesbian who kept talking about embalming people
went trick or treating with jessica and her neice on halloween and i dressed up like an old lady
i had a wig and even a walker that my grandpa left here
we went to walmart afterwards where i took the opportunity to ride around in the electric wheelchairs without being stared at (too much) until jessica broke a $40 lamp and i tried to flee the scene going about 1 mile an hour

went bowling with the ladies on saturday
it was fun
i went to the renaissance festival with the fam yesterday
good food, good times
a lot of cute boys
i want to dress up next year for it
the best part was some lady heckling my bro and dad to buy my sister and i roses and the guys just walked away embarrassed so the lady told my sister and i to just buy one and pleasure ourselves. so i took the oppotunity to say "no thanks, i do that on my own time" and just walked away hahahaha
it was gold, half the people laughed and half just stared at me like they couldn't believe i just said that out loud

exciting news
jessica and i will be moving into our own apartment the beginning of december
so expect a housewarming party
and we will expect gifts

made of gold

no, not really
does anyone have any extra dining room chairs to donate?
or a coffee table??
i really want to try that godiva white chocolate liquer
i know i don't drink, but i think that's something i would enjoy little by little
i've already planned what i'm getting a lot of people for christmas
it's a little diy but i am planning on being pretty broke
so bare with me

i ordered myself the sufjan stevens christmas box set the other day
i couldn't wait till christmas
i can't wait to listen to it
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