Feb 17, 2006 23:18
While im thinking about it heres a list of things i should get this summer
1. and the most important....car
2. build myself a new......desk
3. find out about getting internet connection in my room (maybe).
4. rollerblades.
5. speakers for my computer.
6. T.V. for my room.
7. a new mattress...cuz mine is horriable.
8. save money
9. plane ticket to Dever, CO.
I do believe that is it.
so yeah signed up for praxis for thursday, discovered what my issue in math is...damn fractions, so yeah i need to work on that. I stuided a bit tonight, not working at the pines tomorrow like i thought so theres a plus, not sure if i will go saturday cuz i cant find anyone to go with hmmm..
getting sick of asthma, i wish i could breathe normally, which reminds me i need to buy an air thingy for my room.
spofford comes home soon so yay.
wow im tired and its only 11:30
and the olympics dont come on for another 2 hrs :(
Feeling a bit ADD right now.
have to go to concord in the am to get my new phone set up, :)
didnt have much hw for the weekend so i was able to do some yearbook stuff at work today so that wasnt bad.
The electricity was out since before i got home and just barely turned back on at 10:00 so we went and took my niece to see Curious George it was really cute, and wayne got us ice cream :) I honestly think the only reason i actcally stuided was cuz i had nothing else to do....maybe this should happen more often.
apprently im a daddys girl, my mom downloaded butterfly kisses for the song when i call, haha but its so true, I love my Daddy.
I talked to J-rod the other day for a few secs, hehe i miss that dude.
my kitty is sleeping and hes soo cute
Gosh ill do what i wanta do gosh
Don't be jealous ive been chatting with hot babes online all day
Go feed Tina
Give me your tots
its pretty much the best drawing ive ever done
you should come get ur stuff, cuz im having problems fitting my numb chucks in my locker
ive got ninja skills
i swear my brain has been reduced to mush.