Jun 23, 2009 03:08
Absolute Obedience land is a magical place of cold-war era shenanigans and special organs, so as one might expect there's political (and sometimes soul-hurting) things that go on in the background. For some of the characters it's just trying to keep one the crazy main characters from riding on the Berlin wall (s-sob), and others are members of the military and dealing with the specter of ww2 and have it more directly involve them. In Zhores's case it's definitely the latter, as he's well, a KGB spy. Now I'm not one to say "oh noes! Don't recognize my character for the spy/horrible person that he is!" TO THE CONTRARY, every day and in every way I loev having spy antics with people. So please, let me know if any of this pings your character, so funtimes can occur.
O-or if you don't want to get jumped by him/there's issues about being tagged by a character from a yaoi canon, please feel free to mention that too.
Zhores is:
b)Been living in Frankfurt for... I'd guess a year or two.
c)A spy with at least one confirmed record of another agent knowing his identity (a member of the British SIS). In addition to this the previous Ice Queen had a bit of a reputation herself, it seems.
d)Most likely a "compromised" agent because of c. The KGB in his most recent job put him as the decoy for the main agent. It's unknown how much the British secret service has released to other agency's about Zhores, but there's a good chance rumors are floating around about him/the previous agent with this title. Zhores knows about the British agent getting taken to task for falling for his honey trap, so if anything THAT story is circulating around.
Like I said, even if my character might seem like he'd have a problem with a specific character/situation/exc, I almost always do not. If you have any concerns please
ask, to be honest I've never really vetoed anything before.
core model,