...but then again, it might just be the fact that I've been locked up in my room the intire summer and today I was struck by the most terrible thing:
I hate the sun.
Most of the time.
Well, anyways. On to the subject of my love. I can totally see why everybody loves Kimutaku, he's adorable! I'm watching the first ep of Mr. Brain right now and the interaction between him and Mizushima Hiro is just awesome <3
Btw, for the first time in my life I've tasted pickled herring and I have only one thing to say:
Never again.
Okay, it wasn't really that bad, but seriously, who the heeeeelllllllll ever thought of putting something with such a loathsome smell in their mouth? It's way beyond my understanding. But then again, I might be mad.
Hee hee, "might".
End of rant.
Okay, just one last thing:
Canadians buy the most diamonds per capita in the world.
Bet you didn't know that, did you? Well now you do.
End of rant.
(for real this time)