(no subject)

Jan 20, 2007 02:11

My name is Wasabi and I am a fawn pug. I am exactly 2 months and 20 days old, today, I was born Oct. 30th, 2006.

This is me and my Godfather Chad on the ride to my new home:

This is my new mommy, Rachael:

She brought me back to Bellingham, WA all the way from Concrete, WA on Wed. Jan 17th, 2007. I still am not sure of her yet, she seems nice and all, but she is very new to me and much bigger than me.

I don't like when she holds me, I try to spread my legs out as far as I can to make it hard for her. It's just so high up and I get scared easily. I also have worms, ick! At least I am pooping them all out, but mom says I am going to need some more worming medication in a couple weeks, double ick! Speaking of pooping, I don't get why mom has to chase me around the house every time I try to go to the bathroom. I mean I am just trying to go to the bathroom, geeze! I am sorry I eat so much, but I am friggen hungry! She did however buy me some weird pad that she wants me to go the bathroom on, I don't get it though. I heard her mention she is going to get me a "doggy den" and potty train me, whatever that means, I don't know if I like the sounds of that.

Also she got me this weird thing to put around my neck and it itches. I keep trying to scratch it off, but it won't budge, ugh! Though she did buy me some cool things, I got a couple of toys, ones all rubbery and fun to chew, the other is a soft hedgehog, that makes a sound like when I laugh. I needed something else than that giant crocodile I can't seem to drag it all the way in the living room, yet. It's so much bigger than me, it's so fun to try though. She also got me a really cool bed, it looks like this:
, but much cooler colors.

Even though she's weird, I can't wait for mom to get home and play with me, feed me and clean all my poop up that I made today.

Alright time for another nap.
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