Dreams They Complicate My Life... And movie reviews! (now with no movie reviews)

Jul 05, 2005 08:18

Time for another marathon entry.

reading someone else's entry about how a dream made things clearer for her I decided I'd wonder about that myself. I dream, and often they're nice dreams, but do they make me see things in a different light? Let's take a look.

Date: not sure

Subject: This is a pretty straightforward one. I am a detective in london. So I'm walking down the street coolly in my detective suit chatting with my detective friend, and suddenly he decides to mention that my british accent is "offensive" because I've only been there a few days and I should stop putting it on. The nerve on that guy! I tell him, as I feel like I have before, that I can't help it, it's just a natural reaction, and some of the lengthy philosophical type conversation that I actually almost never get into anymore ensues. Our conversation veers to the point that I'm late (but somehow not him) for my other job, which is unclear, but it involves a factory. Oh, and our boss is the Queen (yes, that Queen). The Queen is going to be pissed, I can feel it.
So after more chatting, I get to work. The Queen *is* pissed, so she smiles and gives me a ham. Everyone laughs at me. Getting a ham because you're late is a pretty big slap in the face. At least it was a tasty ham.

Here's one that freaked me out as a child that I still vividly remember sections of:

Subject: Another simple one. A Camera is killing children. I'm not sure how that works but it does. The entire dream unfolds at a pretty crazy pace that would really suit an apocalyptic thriller if anyone actually wanted to make a movie about a camera that kills children. I do, but that's different. Anyways, amid the media frenzy, the following things happen in an order I can't recall:
-My parents are pissed at me so they threaten to "take a picture of me with it... NAKED"
-I go to a public pool that resembles no pool I have ever seen, and the security camera is... you guessed it... a death camera.
After that, we get a direct segue into an oprah segment on this camera, which only kills kids if they're naked, it turns out. Next I'm walking in a parking lot. Suddenly my portion of the dream blacks out again, but this time for the camera, which is shaped like a dog.

Finally, this is the one I had before waking up. If anyone could tell me what Quark actually is I'd appreciate it.

This one starts off in a gym class, which happens to be being taught by Mr. Van Allen but I found that out later. A lot of the people from my gym class reprise as well as a few people, some of which who were girls, are mixed in randomly. Anyways, first event is that Total Eclipse by Klaus Nomi comes on. I don't know if you've ever heard this song but click here and you'll understand why that alone is probably the weird point of the dream. Danny (I believe it was) then comments on how great the song is and starts singing along in a lower octave. I show him by using my falsetto to hit the chorus notes, turning in a pitch-perfect rendition, something that I'm incidently not too capable of in real life. Maya and a few others appear out of nowhere just to give me a bizarre look like "why are you singing that high, did someone kick you below the belt?" and then are gone for the rest of the dream. That was also pretty bizarre.
Anyways, so (yeah, take THAT mrs. Davidson) it turns out we're playing some sort of weird ball game that involves a lot of people standing around holding little green balls with a row of velcro on them and throwing them to each other in the air. That's seriously the entire game. PVA notices that me and Dan (the other dan now, as in twin one) suck (ironic because Dan's a fairly crazy juggler) so he shows us, and upon seeing that we're getting the hang of it starts to talk to us about something, which is cut off by the bell ringing. It was something about trying until you succeed but I swear I have never ever had such a perfect approximation of someone in my dream, to the point that if he had broken into my house and started whispering a lesson transcript in my ear I'd be less likely to think it was him.
Anyways I need to go to the bathroom, so I go into some room that branches off from the gym. Hey, it's alex! anyways I need to go pee but there's no toilet. I actually contemplate going in the waste paper bin, but then remembered that the other time I did it it wasn't too easy... OTHER TIME? That alone disturbs me, that in my dream it was a completely acceptable fact that I had peed in a wastepaper bin in some teacher's office. Anyways, time to go to fake english, which was not the people who were in my english class but a weird amalgam of students from all my classes. Robin shows up to steal my desk space.
So what are we watching today? A movie about how people are leaving the earth for space of course. The documentary begins with a narration over top of some shots of the earth, telling us reasons why people are leaving earth. Among them, there's actually next to nothing, just a few bits on global warming, and I was not utterly convinced at all that any of this was even remotely approaching the sort of crisis that would require a mass exodus, but then they tell us the "main reason" why people are leaving. I paraphrase the narration (the video and images were pretty much an exact match for what was being said):
"But the main reason people are leaving is the following. On July 3rd 2005, a ship left (some island) bound for china carrying three pounds (and in my dream, pounds meant tonnes) of Quark. The cruise had got off to a smooth start, until the ship hit a violent ocean storm, causing a rupture that began to spill many tonnes of Quark into the ocean. The chinese coastal town was devastated, as it disrupted navigations because the chinese people traditionally identify Quark as a sign of indigestion."
And then it shows, the most dinky line of Quark I have ever seen in my life (whatever that is), just one line about a foot and a half thick suspended in the water roughly perpendicular to the shore. And this still does not justify at all why people would be leaving earth in a mass exodus to space. By this point I had awakened, sadly.

I was going to write a few film reviews but I fear that my ability to write intelligently is compromised by the lack of sleep I got. I can't sleep well lately, the only reason I slep a half hour later than 7:30 is because I really really wanted to find out what Quark was.
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