Sep 23, 2008 14:37
Right now I’m dressed a little like the lead singer of a band that sounds like the Killers. You know what I mean, the kind that struggles for a few years, never really makes it until an innefective but earnest record executive notices they sound like the Killers, and realizes how marketable that is. Next thing you know they’ve got lightning bolt shirts and black jackets with epilets, but they’re not wearing their pants quite tight enough and their jackets aren’t quite small enough, and the fact that their man-makeup is one shade away from being legal grounds for a prostitution arrest just doesn’t gel with their art. People passing them on the street might say “Oh, I bet they’re in a successful rock band!” but if you asked, no one could name what band that is. Poor guys.
This is nonetheless a good look for me, blame it on my lack of makeup, but living suddenly in a city of 7 million I’ve realized that it will take a bit more than the results of an American shopping trip to make me stand out. And that’s where books come in.
When I read books now, I am sure to tilt the cover up so that other people can see what I’m reading. It’s the equivalent of starting a Lavalife page and posting it around the city, minus the aura of pathetic desperation that would accompany such an endeavour. People will see what you’re reading and instantly realize what kind of person you are and, if you’re the same as them, they’ll probably reach out to you.
“Hey, that’s a great book!”
“Oh yeah, have you read his other stuff?”
“Yeah, I read JPod and Microserfs, and I want to read Eleanor Rigby”
“Oh yeah, that one looks good. JPod was hilarious, it’s pretty much the story of me and my friends”
Bingo! For the price of a paperback novel I just bought a friend!
Want someone affable and quirky, but with a decent intellect hiding behind the surface?
Read some Douglas Coupland.
Want to have a fling with a psychotic extremist with a great body and no grasp of emotional logic?
Hello, Tim Robbins!
Maybe you want to know who’s actually just a boring Canadian so you can avoid them later on.
Bust out the Wayson Choy, but you better stick a comic in the middle.
And if you want to meet someone with their head truly screwed on right, read Barney’s Version and do not let whoever responds to you go, ever.
I should probably be going now. I’m done with those ones and now I’m naively looking for a soul mate and I have another 250 pages to go. I hope this works, Misha B.