Taxes make this country work, its always been like that and taxes aren't that bad right now. As for the points I brought up, I was merely comparing, Vietnam to this day did nothing. We have succeeded in certain areas. America is based on people with too much time, so they complain. Its your right but vice-versa I can say my opinion. Your side is the one that gets all up in arms about everything. What is all your "fighting" doing? You basically bring down moral of the soldiers fighting. Make OUR country look like it is in chaos because we can't control our own people. How about WW2? America was in horrible shape, and we got the tail end at Pearl Harbor. Americans all united.
The real reason no one agrees with the war because no one wants too. Do you ever stand there and say "hey", like it or not, America stands up for itself. Are you saying the constant attacks on England should make us pull out? How about your own safety. Do you enjoy how you can ride a bus without it exploding? Our country is safer now. People in Iraq, in my opinion are not happy because they want results NOW. They do not want to wait, they do not want us there sitting there. We are putting in a democracy, on the basis that they will join the UN in some sort of agreement, not throwing in a communist or fascist government. I don't agree with that but on the issue of the war, we are going to Korea soon enough. I have friends who told me this, they said I want to go there, I want to earn my stripes. People like us who don't go out there and bust our ass are just hypocrites. We put words in they're mouths. "Soldiers are miserable!" Believe it or not, they chose too. "Mothers are losing they're sons" Yes they are but there’s always a chance. I'm sorry to them but people die, people sacrifice themselves for they're believes. Their choice.
Recently, the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) had an angle in their show, where one wrestler, Muhammad Hussein, signaled for few, Middle-Eastern Attire came out and started a "beheading ceremony" on another wrestler. The wrestlers gimmick must now be ended. Fox News showed the story. What does this have to do with anything, its Conservatives like you who always believe that things shouldn't change. People get mad but it was a mere attempt to draw heat at a "heel" or "bad guy" character. People who disagree with the war, disagree with small sketches because THEY feel so strongly about it.
I never said I disagreed with taxes, I was stating my point, how I do feel the burden of taxes, and gas prices..however I never mentioned or complained about them.
"My" Fighting? Can you tell me how one 14 year old person with HER OWN views is going to make an impact on us? You can think what you want, say I'm "Fighting" but in the end it makes no difference what I say. I'm merely stating an opinion. I'm in no way attacking anybody.
Again, I never said I was unthankful for being safe here in the united states. I Just disagree with the fact we constantly have to make people see things our ways. We want to think we're the best nation in the world, that we're better than everyone else. That's something I disagree with. Call me crazy but what kind of world is it going to be, if we keep changing people's ways of living? Is that not what makes this world such a diverse, interesting place? That's why we're so looked down upon, we think we're so much better than everyone, and can just make things better for people. Yeah, even if that's not our ploy, I'm sure it's still insulting, and looks that way.
People in Iraq are upset because we're invading their country? The results they want, is to not have to see us marching through their streets anymore, and blowing up their towns.
Yeah, I'm sure I would be surprised as to how many soldiers want to be in this war, but what about the ones who dont? Sure my cousin joined the marines, that was over 6 years ago, but that didnt mean he wanted to fight a pontless war.
Yeah, I know our people are crazy, but last time I checked I wasn't one of the radicals at Bush's inauguration pelting eggs at his car.
You'd be surprised what impact you can have in our country's activities. If you would only join an organization you believe in (i.e. Know the Issues, Working Assets, Act For Change) you can make a real difference.
As far as shoving unecessary technologies down the throats of Iraqis? They were actually quite modernized as far as technology, from what I understand. They already had roads, cars, computers, most families even had satelite TV! American Media just shows footage repeatedly of Iraqis idly wandering the streets barefoot and standing in line for fresh water in an attempt to make them appear uncivilized, pathetic and in desperate need of our assistance. I believe this is a subversive attempt by our government to control our support for the President through use of the FCC, lobbying, and monopolization of news media outlets (Fox News, CNN, etc.) Iraq's infrastructure was simply annhilated at the initial stages of American invasion. The result? NO RUNNING WATER OR ELECTRICITY. Also, insurgents keep destroying these facilities to dissuade us from occupying their land.
The Iraqi economy on the other hand was a tad bit traditional and like a command economy. Revamping the Iraq economy would be one good thing to come out of this war. Of course, other than stopping the genocide of the Kurds and raping of women and children by Saddam's secret police.
But, do you disagree with America's involvement in WWII during the Holocaust? I mean, at some point we have to step in and take action against inhumane treatment of international citizens. I just don't believe this was the war to do that. I'm sorry if my statements seem contradictory, I kinda have mixed feelings about this war and its effects. I'm trying to sort the information I receive from fact and fiction...
Well, I'd like to thank you for hosting an actually intelligent conversation/debate on you Live Journal. I'm glad to see some people still have brains enough to write about something interesting rather than complain about their life all the time :) Peace. Oh by the way, I added you.
The difference between Pearl Harbor and September 11th (I think that's where you were going, right?) is that Japan as a NATION attacked America, not a geurilla organization - such as the Taliban(sp?), who attacked the World Trade Center on September 11th. Besides, most of the suicide bombers involved in that attack and in the current jihad bombings in Iraq are Iranian and Saudi Arabian citizens, not Iraqi.
As far as wrestling, I'm not sure where you were going, sorry. But I think that "beheading ceremony" is quite distasteful and tactless when one realizes how many innocent philanthropists were slaughtered as a result. Now fucking wrestlers think it's appropriate to make a joke of it?!
Also, later in this post you say "they" agreed to go to war. I'm not sure who you meant, but Congress certainly did not. Congress is the only governmental oraganization/branch that can declare war. President Bush, in my opinion, arrogantly attempted to supersede Congress in making this declaration of war. He may have had good intentions, but they were unfounded and unsupported. Colin Powell refuted the exaggerated claims Bush staked as reason to enter war.
The Grand Old Fuckin' Party ran ads against Kerry last election calling him a "flip-flopper", whatever the hell that is. President Bush has altered his agenda and reasoning for entering war numerous times. No weapons of mass destruction were found as Bush had promised, September 11th bombings were supported very little by Iraqi money or citizens, so President Bush decided to spin the war as a glorious deposing of a tyrannical dictator. Don't get me wrong, please. I am thrilled thousands of people living in Iraq no longer have to fear genocide, but at what cost to the soldiers involved in the war and the unity, or lack thereof, in our country? And do we need to attempt to convert the government of a thousands-year old civilization to a democracy? The majority of inhabitants of Iraq, from my understanding, are Islamic conservatives and want nothing to do with Westernism.
Lastly, activism is a constitutional right which I shall gladly uphold. I support the troops in this war, I simply do not support the actual war. I even try to support our president when he makes decisions I agree with - hydrogen powere cars? Yes, please! Well that's my opinion, basically. Glad someone with a Live Journal could hold an interesting conversation/debate! I guess you're not all fucking morons. I appreciate your comments and interests, Joe; just thought I'd let you know seeing as how overwhelming your opposition was!
Japanese had sucide bombers and guess what the Taliban had. "Sucide Bombers", I compare it to others Wars, because you make it sound like this has never happened. As in WW2, we didn't want to get into anything until we got attacked. Just because it wasn't a country? It was a country!! Not everyone in Japan agreed with the war but look at post-iraq, not everyone agrees with anything. Yes, we should have gone to Afganny and we did. If we were to demolish another threat, a bigger threat who has been telling the world he is producing weapons of Mass Descruction.
This is all about national security. We got attacked and you were the people that wanted to seal ourselves off from the world. Wait for the UN, which none of those countries at the time even had this type of issue effecting them. Is see it like this because at the time it was in the context of weapons of mass destruction, grave threats to the United States, and clearly, Saddam Hussein had been a real problem for the international community for more than a decade.
As I said again, this isn't a debate anymore since its so toppled over. I was using comparisons to other wars in similar aspects but nevermind that. Remind me not to make a point anymore. Thanks Assclowns.
I dont see how those wars were in any way related to this war.
Call me dense, call me an assclown.
But as a final thought..up until about three or four years ago, The US were pretty well reguarded..Not everywhere and everyone, but on the whole we were seen as the Not so Bad and sometimes the good guys. But that's changed. The rest of the world now hates us, fears us, and considers us a bully and a joke. But with good reason, our government has been taken over by evil men..we're being lied to, our pockets are being picked, our freedoms are being eroded..our country is being fleeced.
C'mon Joey. Everyone isn't out to get you. Stop being so pessimistic... If you look, you'll see that I argued against Krista's statement that we are shoving technology down the throats of Iraqis and that we should get involved in African famine rather than Iraq. I'm not taking any sides in this issue. None of us even FULLY understands the issues at hand. We are all, basically, regurgitating the information we receive 2nd, 3rd, even 4th hand! I would like to talk to the soldiers involved in combat and the Iraqi citizens to get a real feel for this war and its effects. Do you have any family in the armed forces? You seem very defensive of them. I admire that, by the way. I support our troops too.
I just don't feel Saddam was an immediate threat to our safety. Iran and North Korea are the countries attempting to create nuclear weapons programs, not Iraq. UN inspectors found no "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. And what nations are the Taliban and Al-Qaeda(sp?) associated with? Afghanistan (which you stated) and Saudi Arabia. They are not actually nationally sanctioned organizations, and if they were, they would be sanctioned by one of those nations. Japanese "zeroes" and "kamikaze" pilots were sent by the Japanese national military. Most suicide bombers, past and present, are derranged INDIVIDUALS who come from SAUDI ARABIA. Sure, the Iraq government pays large sums of money to the families of Iraqi suicide bombers, but the fact is that most suicide bombers are/were not even from Iraq.
Why didn't you want to talk to Chris and I today? You and I are still cool, right? Don't take this shit so personal. We're just having a civilized discussion, that's all. This is why I hate talking about politics - someone always gets offended and upset.
The real reason no one agrees with the war because no one wants too. Do you ever stand there and say "hey", like it or not, America stands up for itself. Are you saying the constant attacks on England should make us pull out? How about your own safety. Do you enjoy how you can ride a bus without it exploding? Our country is safer now. People in Iraq, in my opinion are not happy because they want results NOW. They do not want to wait, they do not want us there sitting there. We are putting in a democracy, on the basis that they will join the UN in some sort of agreement, not throwing in a communist or fascist government. I don't agree with that but on the issue of the war, we are going to Korea soon enough. I have friends who told me this, they said I want to go there, I want to earn my stripes. People like us who don't go out there and bust our ass are just hypocrites. We put words in they're mouths. "Soldiers are miserable!" Believe it or not, they chose too. "Mothers are losing they're sons" Yes they are but there’s always a chance. I'm sorry to them but people die, people sacrifice themselves for they're believes. Their choice.
Recently, the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) had an angle in their show, where one wrestler, Muhammad Hussein, signaled for few, Middle-Eastern Attire came out and started a "beheading ceremony" on another wrestler. The wrestlers gimmick must now be ended. Fox News showed the story. What does this have to do with anything, its Conservatives like you who always believe that things shouldn't change. People get mad but it was a mere attempt to draw heat at a "heel" or "bad guy" character. People who disagree with the war, disagree with small sketches because THEY feel so strongly about it.
"My" Fighting? Can you tell me how one 14 year old person with HER OWN views is going to make an impact on us?
You can think what you want, say I'm "Fighting" but in the end it makes no difference what I say.
I'm merely stating an opinion. I'm in no way attacking anybody.
Again, I never said I was unthankful for being safe here in the united states. I Just disagree with the fact we constantly have to make people see things our ways. We want to think we're the best nation in the world, that we're better than everyone else. That's something I disagree with. Call me crazy but what kind of world is it going to be, if we keep changing people's ways of living? Is that not what makes this world such a diverse, interesting place? That's why we're so looked down upon, we think we're so much better than everyone, and can just make things better for people. Yeah, even if that's not our ploy, I'm sure it's still insulting, and looks that way.
People in Iraq are upset because we're invading their country? The results they want, is to not have to see us marching through their streets anymore, and blowing up their towns.
Yeah, I'm sure I would be surprised as to how many soldiers want to be in this war, but what about the ones who dont? Sure my cousin joined the marines, that was over 6 years ago, but that didnt mean he wanted to fight a pontless war.
Yeah, I know our people are crazy, but last time I checked I wasn't one of the radicals at Bush's inauguration pelting eggs at his car.
Not invade countries, try to change their beliefs, and make enemies as you do so.
As far as shoving unecessary technologies down the throats of Iraqis? They were actually quite modernized as far as technology, from what I understand. They already had roads, cars, computers, most families even had satelite TV! American Media just shows footage repeatedly of Iraqis idly wandering the streets barefoot and standing in line for fresh water in an attempt to make them appear uncivilized, pathetic and in desperate need of our assistance. I believe this is a subversive attempt by our government to control our support for the President through use of the FCC, lobbying, and monopolization of news media outlets (Fox News, CNN, etc.) Iraq's infrastructure was simply annhilated at the initial stages of American invasion. The result? NO RUNNING WATER OR ELECTRICITY. Also, insurgents keep destroying these facilities to dissuade us from occupying their land.
The Iraqi economy on the other hand was a tad bit traditional and like a command economy. Revamping the Iraq economy would be one good thing to come out of this war. Of course, other than stopping the genocide of the Kurds and raping of women and children by Saddam's secret police.
But, do you disagree with America's involvement in WWII during the Holocaust? I mean, at some point we have to step in and take action against inhumane treatment of international citizens. I just don't believe this was the war to do that. I'm sorry if my statements seem contradictory, I kinda have mixed feelings about this war and its effects. I'm trying to sort the information I receive from fact and fiction...
Well, I'd like to thank you for hosting an actually intelligent conversation/debate on you Live Journal. I'm glad to see some people still have brains enough to write about something interesting rather than complain about their life all the time :) Peace. Oh by the way, I added you.
As far as wrestling, I'm not sure where you were going, sorry. But I think that "beheading ceremony" is quite distasteful and tactless when one realizes how many innocent philanthropists were slaughtered as a result. Now fucking wrestlers think it's appropriate to make a joke of it?!
Also, later in this post you say "they" agreed to go to war. I'm not sure who you meant, but Congress certainly did not. Congress is the only governmental oraganization/branch that can declare war. President Bush, in my opinion, arrogantly attempted to supersede Congress in making this declaration of war. He may have had good intentions, but they were unfounded and unsupported. Colin Powell refuted the exaggerated claims Bush staked as reason to enter war.
The Grand Old Fuckin' Party ran ads against Kerry last election calling him a "flip-flopper", whatever the hell that is. President Bush has altered his agenda and reasoning for entering war numerous times. No weapons of mass destruction were found as Bush had promised, September 11th bombings were supported very little by Iraqi money or citizens, so President Bush decided to spin the war as a glorious deposing of a tyrannical dictator. Don't get me wrong, please. I am thrilled thousands of people living in Iraq no longer have to fear genocide, but at what cost to the soldiers involved in the war and the unity, or lack thereof, in our country? And do we need to attempt to convert the government of a thousands-year old civilization to a democracy? The majority of inhabitants of Iraq, from my understanding, are Islamic conservatives and want nothing to do with Westernism.
Lastly, activism is a constitutional right which I shall gladly uphold. I support the troops in this war, I simply do not support the actual war. I even try to support our president when he makes decisions I agree with - hydrogen powere cars? Yes, please! Well that's my opinion, basically. Glad someone with a Live Journal could hold an interesting conversation/debate! I guess you're not all fucking morons. I appreciate your comments and interests, Joe; just thought I'd let you know seeing as how overwhelming your opposition was!
This is all about national security. We got attacked and you were the people that wanted to seal ourselves off from the world. Wait for the UN, which none of those countries at the time even had this type of issue effecting them. Is see it like this because at the time it was in the context of weapons of mass destruction, grave threats to the United States, and clearly, Saddam Hussein had been a real problem for the international community for more than a decade.
As I said again, this isn't a debate anymore since its so toppled over. I was using comparisons to other wars in similar aspects but nevermind that. Remind me not to make a point anymore. Thanks Assclowns.
Call me dense, call me an assclown.
But as a final thought..up until about three or four years ago, The US were pretty well reguarded..Not everywhere and everyone, but on the whole we were seen as the Not so Bad and sometimes the good guys. But that's changed. The rest of the world now hates us, fears us, and considers us a bully and a joke. But with good reason, our government has been taken over by evil men..we're being lied to, our pockets are being picked, our freedoms are being eroded..our country is being fleeced.
I just don't feel Saddam was an immediate threat to our safety. Iran and North Korea are the countries attempting to create nuclear weapons programs, not Iraq. UN inspectors found no "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq. And what nations are the Taliban and Al-Qaeda(sp?) associated with? Afghanistan (which you stated) and Saudi Arabia. They are not actually nationally sanctioned organizations, and if they were, they would be sanctioned by one of those nations. Japanese "zeroes" and "kamikaze" pilots were sent by the Japanese national military. Most suicide bombers, past and present, are derranged INDIVIDUALS who come from SAUDI ARABIA. Sure, the Iraq government pays large sums of money to the families of Iraqi suicide bombers, but the fact is that most suicide bombers are/were not even from Iraq.
Why didn't you want to talk to Chris and I today? You and I are still cool, right? Don't take this shit so personal. We're just having a civilized discussion, that's all. This is why I hate talking about politics - someone always gets offended and upset.
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